首页 > 解决方案 > 尝试在 Salesforce1 中使用 Docusign 应用程序时出错


我正在尝试使用 Salesforce1 的 Docusign,当单击 Docusign 按钮时出现错误:

Error Domain=DSAPIManager Code=1004 
"One or both of Username and Password are invalid." 
  NSLocalizedDescription=One or Both of Username and Password are invalid.,
      message= One or both of Username or Password are invalid.;
      errorCode=USER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED; error = (null); 

这发生在移动 iPhone 中,并非针对所有用户。在调试日志中没有出现任何内容,在 Docusign 日志中也没有出现。我们正在指定正确的 Docusign URL (NA2,NA3)。

用户正在执行的步骤是:登录到 Docusign 应用程序 > 使用用户和密码进行身份验证 > 登录后他进入 Salesforce1 > 选择机会 > 单击 Docusign 按钮 > 选择文档和收件人 > 单击 Docusign 按钮. 在此过程之后,会发生错误。



标签: salesforcedocusignapisalesforce-lightning


  1. When you login to the DocuSign Mobile app they login to one user - but your Salesforce Org actually has them synced with another user.
  2. Or your user has some recipient accounts that need to be closed probably a Force User Sync after in DocuSign eSignature for Salesforce.

The steps that the user are doing is: Log-in into Docusign app > authenticate with user and password> after logged he goes to the Salesforce1 > select an opportunity > click on Docusign button > select a document and a recipient > click on Docusign button. After this process the error occurs. You would also need to make sure they choose the right server/environment for that first step.
