首页 > 解决方案 > 获取 PygAnimation 对象的 x 和 y 位置以进行碰撞检测


我即将使用动画 PygAnimation 对象(青蛙)创建一个类似十字路口的游戏,并且需要找到对象的 x 和 y 位置以检查与敌人(丢失条件)和宝藏(获胜条件)的碰撞. 动画本身正在运行:

if moveUp or moveDown or moveLeft or moveRight:
            if direction == UP:
                animObjs['back_walk'].blit(windowSurface, (x, y))
            elif direction == DOWN:
                animObjs['front_walk'].blit(windowSurface, (x, y))
            elif direction == LEFT:
                animObjs['left_walk'].blit(windowSurface, (x, y))
            elif direction == RIGHT:
                animObjs['right_walk'].blit(windowSurface, (x, y))

AnimObjs 已加载到字典中,但我无法访问每个字符的 x 和 y 值。我觉得有一个简单的解决方案,但我对编程很陌生,到目前为止还没有找到它。敌人是 NonPlayerCharacter(GameObject) 类的一部分,x 和 y 值仅通过 image_path、self.x_pos 和 self.y_pos 访问。但是对于动画,我似乎无法以相同的方式访问它,因为动画似乎被不同地对待。

以下代码在运行游戏循环中,仅用于上传站立和移动条件的 gif:

    front_standing = pygame.image.load('frog_front.gif')
    back_standing = pygame.image.load('frog_back.gif')
    left_standing = pygame.image.load('frog_left.gif')
    right_standing = pygame.transform.flip(left_standing, True, False)

    playerWidth, playerHeight = front_standing.get_size()

    # creating the PygAnimation objects for walking in all directions
    animTypes = 'back_walk front_walk left_walk'.split()
    animObjs = {}
    animObjs['back_walk'] = pyganim.PygAnimation('frog_back_walk.gif')
    animObjs['front_walk'] = pyganim.PygAnimation('frog_front_walk.gif')

    animObjs['left_walk'] = pyganim.PygAnimation('frog_left_walk.gif')                                  

    # create the right-facing sprites by copying and flipping the left-facing sprites
    animObjs['right_walk'] = animObjs['left_walk'].getCopy()
    animObjs['right_walk'].flip(True, False)

    moveConductor = pyganim.PygConductor(animObjs)
    direction = DOWN # player starts with facing down (front)


类 NonPlayerCharacter(GameObject): SPEED = 10

def __init__(self,image_path, x, y, width, height):
    super().__init__(image_path, x, y, width, height)

def move(self, max_width):
    # automating of movement
    if self.x_pos <= 20:
        self.SPEED = abs(self.SPEED)
    elif self.x_pos >= max_width - 40:
        self.SPEED = -abs(self.SPEED)
    self.x_pos += self.SPEED


enemy_0 = NonPlayerCharacter("enemy.png", 20, 600, 50, 50)


标签: pythonanimationpygamecollision-detection


查看pygAnimation source,您可以使用.getRect(),然后将其定位到上x,y一个 blit 的最后使用的位置。看起来 pygAnimations 不会在内部存储位置。



def getCurrentRect( position, animation ):
    """ Get the positioned rect of the current pygAnimation frame """
    current_image = animation.getCurrentFrame()
    rect = current_image.get_rect()
    rect.topleft = position                       # do you draw at top-left?
    return rect
