首页 > 解决方案 > Postgres 12 中的列表分区


CREATE TABLE countrymeasurements
  countrycode int NOT NULL,
  countryname character varying(30) NOT NULL,
  languagename character varying (30) NOT NULL,
  daysofoperation character varying(30) NOT NULL,
  salesparts    bigint,
  replaceparts  bigint
 PARTITION BY LIST(countrycode)
  partition india values(1),
  partition japan values(2),
  partition china values(3),
  partition malaysia values(4)

我收到错误:“(”或附近的语法错误。我在这里缺少什么。我正在使用 postgres12

标签: postgresqldatabase-partitioning


我不知道您在哪里找到该语法,显然不在手册中。如您所见create table .. as partition of在 Postgres中创建了分区:


CREATE TABLE countrymeasurements
  countrycode int NOT NULL,
  countryname character varying(30) NOT NULL,
  languagename character varying (30) NOT NULL,
  daysofoperation character varying(30) NOT NULL,
  salesparts    bigint,
  replaceparts  bigint
PARTITION BY LIST(countrycode);


create table india 
  partition of countrymeasurements 
  for values in (1);
create table japan
  partition of countrymeasurements 
  for values in (2);
create table china
  partition of countrymeasurements 
  for values in (3);

create table malaysia
  partition of countrymeasurements 
  for values in (4);
