首页 > 解决方案 > 国际象棋,防止棋子在对角线时跳过棋子



在过去的两天里,我一直在尝试编写一个国际象棋引擎,我遇到了我似乎无法解决的问题,我在下面有这段代码,它工作得很好,这块棋子在棋盘上的所有 2D 空间中对角线(注意,棋盘是一个 8*8 的二维数组),问题是我不知道如何防止一个棋子在对角线时跳过其他棋子


 * y = abs(x)
 * y = -abs(x)
 * programming these 2 functions will let the piece go diagonally in all directions.
 *@param pieceX: current X coordinates of the piece
 * @param pieceY : current Y Coordinates of the piece
 * @param board: Board instance to get the locations of all the pieces
 * @return legal movements
protected int[][] diagonalMove(int pieceX, int pieceY, Board board)
    ArrayList<Integer> legalXMovements = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<Integer> legalYMovements = new ArrayList<>();

    //cartesian plane with a size of 8*8.
    for (int x = 7; x > -8; x--)
        for (int y = 7; y > -8; y--)
            //function 1: y = abs(x) and y > 0: Math.abs(x) == Math.abs(y)
            //function 2: y = -abs(x) : y == -Math.abs(x)
            if (Math.abs(x) == Math.abs(y) || y == -Math.abs(x))
                //prevent OutOfBounds at any case.
                if (pieceX + x >= 0 && pieceX + x < 8)
                    if (pieceY + y >= 0 && pieceY + y < 8)
                        //make sure that the piece doesn't eat his allies

                        //if Tile is empty.
                        if (board.getTile(pieceX + x, pieceY + y).checkIsEmpty())
                            legalXMovements.add(pieceX + x);
                            legalYMovements.add(pieceY + y);
                            //if enemy.
                            if (color != board.getTile(pieceX + x, pieceY + y).getPiece().getColor())
                                legalXMovements.add(pieceX + x);
                                legalYMovements.add(pieceY + y);

    //Chess, preventing a piece from jumping over pieces when going diagonally
    int[][] finalLegalMovements = new int[legalXMovements.size()][2];
    for (int x = 0; x < legalXMovements.size(); x++)
        finalLegalMovements[x][0] = legalXMovements.get(x);
        finalLegalMovements[x][1] = legalYMovements.get(x);

    return finalLegalMovements;


输出: 在此处输入图像描述

标签: javachess



    else if((piece == 'B') || (piece == 'b')){
        //Check if deltaX and deltaY are equal
        if(Math.abs(move.getFromX()-move.getToX()) == Math.abs(move.getFromY() - move.getToY())){
            //check the directions
            int directionX = 1;
            if(move.getToX() < move.getFromX())
                directionX = -1;
            int directionY = 1;
            if(move.getToY() < move.getFromY())
                directionY = -1;
            // Check if everything is free
            int y = move.getFromY();
            for(int x = move.getFromX() + directionX; x != move.getToX(); x += directionX){
                y += directionY;
                if(position.getPieceAt(x, y) != ' ')
                    //A piece is in the way -> move illegal!
                    return false;
            return false;

请注意,我是在 2009 年编写的,它不是很好的代码,它的结构可能要好得多,并且存在文体问题。但是数学很扎实。
