首页 > 解决方案 > DuplicateWidgetID:有多个相同的 st.selectbox 小部件


我正在使用 streamlit 和 python 来创建我们的代码网页,但它向我显示了一些错误来修复此错误我为每个输入参数提供了不同的键,但它仍然向我显示错误。


DuplicateWidgetID: There are multiple identical st.selectbox widgets with key='155'.

To fix this, please make sure that the key argument is unique for each st.selectbox you create.

File "C:\Users\jaiklen\Desktop\IP_Assignment_2\web.py", line 29, in <module>
    query = st.selectbox("Please Enter Your Query Number or enter -1 to exit: ",[-1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16],key = "155")

下面是我的带有流光的 python 代码:

import json
import streamlit as st
import a2 as a

st.title("Welcom to our database")
st.write("There are some queries below :")
st.write("1. read_data_from_file")
st.write("2. filter_by_first_name")
st.write("3. filter_by_last_name")
st.write("4. filter_by_full_name")
st.write("5. filter_by_age_range")
st.write("6. count_by_gender")
st.write("7. filter_by_address")
st.write("8. find_alumni")
st.write("9. find_topper_of_each_institute")
st.write("10. find_blood_donors")
st.write("11. get_common_friends")
st.write("12. is_related")
st.write("13. delete_by_id")
st.write("14. add_friend")
st.write("15. remove_friend")
st.write("16. add_education")
query = 0
while(query != -1):
        query = st.selectbox("Please Enter Your Query Number or enter -1 to exit: ",[-1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16],key = "155")
        records = a.read_data_from_file()
        if(query == 2):
                first_name = st.text_input("Enter the first name",key = "2")
                st.write(a.filter_by_first_name(records, first_name))
        elif(query == 3):
                last_name = st.text_input("Enter the last name",key = "3")
                st.write(a.filter_by_last_name(records, last_name))
        elif(query == 4):
                full_name = st.text_input("Enter the full name",key = "4")
                st.write(a.filter_by_full_name(records, full_name))
        elif(query == 5):
                min_age = int(st.text_input("Enter the minimum age",key = "5"))
                max_age = int(st.text_input("Enter the maximum age",key = "6"))
                st.write(a.filter_by_age_range(records, min_age, max_age))
        elif(query == 6):
                #full_name = st.text_input("Enter the full name")
        elif(query == 7):
                address = {}
                house_no = st.text_input("Enter house number or leave empty: ",key = "7")
                block = st.text_input("Enter block or leave empty: ",key = "8")
                town = st.text_input("Enter town or leave empty: ",key = "9")
                city = st.text_input("Enter city or leave empty: ",key = "10")
                state = st.text_input("Enter state or leave empty: ",key = "11")
                pin_code = st.text_input("Enter pin code or leave empty: ",key = "12")
                if(len(house_no) != 0):
                        address["house_no"] = int(house_no)
                if(len(block) != 0):
                        address["block"] = block
                if(len(town) != 0):
                        address["town"] = town
                if(len(city) != 0):
                        address["city"] = city
                if(len(state) != 0):
                        address["state"] = state
                if(len(pin_code) != 0):
                        address["pin_code"] = int(pin_code)
                st.write(len(a.filter_by_address(records, address)))
        elif(query == 8):
                institute_name = st.text_input("Enter the institute name",key = "13")
                st.write(a.find_alumni(records, institute_name))
        elif(query == 9):
                #full_name = st.text_input("Enter the full name")
        elif(query == 10):
                receiver_person_id = int(st.text_input("Enter the full name",key = "14"))
                st.write(a.find_blood_donors(records, receiver_person_id))
        elif(query == 11):
                list_of_ids = list(map(int,st.text_input("Enter the full name",key = "15").split()))
                st.write(a.get_common_friends(records, list_of_ids))
        elif(query == 12):
                person_id_1 = int(st.text_input("Enter the person id 1",key = "16"))
                person_id_2 = int(st.text_input("Enter the person id 2",key = "17"))
                st.write(a.is_related(records, person_id_1, person_id_2))
        elif(query == 13):
                person_id = int(st.text_input("Enter the person id",key = "18"))
                records = a.delete_by_id(records, person_id)
        elif(query == 14):
                person_id = int(st.text_input("Enter the person id",key = "19"))
                friend_id = int(st.text_input("Enter the friend id",key = "20"))
                records = a.add_friend(records, person_id, friend_id)
        elif(query == 15):
                person_id = int(st.text_input("Enter the person id",key = "21"))
                friend_id = int(st.text_input("Enter the friend id",key = "22"))
                records = a.remove_friend(records, person_id, friend_id)
        elif(query == 16):
                person_id = int(st.text_input("Enter the person id",key = "23"))
                institute_name = st.text_input("Enter the institute name",key = "24")
                ongoing = bool(st.text_input("If ongoing enter True else entre False",key = "25"))
                percentage = float(st.text_input("Enter percentage if ongoing False, else enter 0",key = "26"))
                records = a.add_education(records, person_id, institute_name, ongoing, percentage)


标签: pythonstreamlit



