首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用从 HTML 文件到 js 文件的 JS 变量?


我正在使用 express.js 开发一个网站,我想知道如何将 javascript 中的变量从 ejs 文件导出到 js 文件。

ejs 文件:

<div class="select">
  <select id="selection_channel">

let channelText = guild.channels.cache.filter(channel => channel.type == 'text');

 <option value="<% channel.id %>">#<%= channel.name %></option>

<% }); %>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/submit.js"></script>


我想将 strUser 变量导出到我的 js 文件夹。

我的 js 文件:

    // Settings endpoint.
    app.post("/dashboard/:guildID", checkAuth, async (req, res) => {
        // We validate the request, check if guild exists, member is in guild and if member has minimum permissions, if not, we redirect it back.
        const guild = client.guilds.cache.get(req.params.guildID);
        if (!guild) return res.redirect("/dashboard");
        const member = guild.members.cache.get(req.user.id);
        if (!member) return res.redirect("/dashboard");
        if (!member.permissions.has("MANAGE_GUILD")) return res.redirect("/dashboard");
        // We retrive the settings stored for this guild.
        var storedSettings = await GuildSettings.findOne({ gid: guild.id });
        if (!storedSettings) {
          // If there are no settings stored for this guild, we create them and try to retrive them again.
          const newSettings = new GuildSettings({
            gid: guild.id
          await newSettings.save().catch(()=>{});
          storedSettings = await GuildSettings.findOne({ gid: guild.id });
        //var strUser = require('./templates/settings.ejs')
        // We set the prefix of the server settings to the one that was sent in request from the form.
        storedSettings.prefix = req.strUser  //req.body.prefix
        // We save the settings.
        await storedSettings.save().catch(() => {});

        // We render the template with an alert text which confirms that settings have been saved.
        renderTemplate(res, req, "settings.ejs", { guild, settings: storedSettings, alert: "Changement effectué avec succès." });

标签: javascripthtmlexpressejs



window.usrString = userString;
