首页 > 解决方案 > 在显示期间对字典内列表中的字符串值进行文本换行



dict= { 'ProductA' : ['2020-08-03 16:26:21', 'This painting was done by XNB.The artist seeks to portray  the tragedies caused by event XYZ. The painting weighs 2kg.'], 'ProductB':['2020-08-03 16:26:21','This painting is done by ONN.This painting is done by ONN.Decades later, it was discovered in the black market of country XYZ.It was bought for 2 million dollars by ABC.']}


  Product Name      Last Edited               Information
  Product A         2020-08-03 16:26:21       This painting was done by XNB.The artist 
                                              seeks to portray  the tragedies caused by
                                              event XYZ. The painting weighs 2kg.

  Product B         2020-08-03 16:26:21       This painting is done by ONN.This painting
                                              is done by ONN.Decades later, it was 
                                              discovered in the black market of country
                                              XYZ.It was bought for 2 million dollars 
                                              by ABC.


from textwrap import wrap

    print("{:<25} {:<30} {:<10}".format('Product Name','Last Edited','Information'))
for product_name, data in dict.items():
    last_edit, info = data
    wrapped_info=wrap(info, 45)
    print("{:<25} {:<30} {:<10}".format(product_name, last_edit, wrapped_info))



标签: python-3.x


您的代码中的问题是wrap()返回字符串列表。您需要使用 将结果转换wrap()为字符串join()


from textwrap import wrap

d = { 'ProductA' : ['2020-08-03 16:26:21', 'This painting was done by XNB.The artist seeks to portray  the tragedies caused by event XYZ. The painting weighs 2kg.'], 'ProductB':['2020-08-03 16:26:21','This painting is done by ONN.This painting is done by ONN.Decades later, it was discovered in the black market of country XYZ.It was bought for 2 million dollars by ABC.']}

print("{:<25} {:<30} {:<10}".format('Product Name','Last Edited','Information'))
for product, data in d.items():
    date, info = data
    wrapped_info = f'\n{" " * (25 + 30 + 2)}'.join(wrap(info, 45)) 
    print("{:<25} {:<30} {:<10}\n".format(product, date, wrapped_info))


Product Name              Last Edited                    Information
ProductA                  2020-08-03 16:26:21            This painting was done by XNB.The artist
                                                         seeks to portray  the tragedies caused by
                                                         event XYZ. The painting weighs 2kg.

ProductB                  2020-08-03 16:26:21            This painting is done by ONN.This painting is
                                                         done by ONN.Decades later, it was discovered
                                                         in the black market of country XYZ.It was
                                                         bought for 2 million dollars by ABC.
