首页 > 解决方案 > 这是检查 IP(字符串)是否属于 CIDR(字符串)的最快方法吗?


想要检查 IP(作为字符串)是否在 CIDR 范围内(作为字符串)


    int cidr_to_ip_and_mask(const char *cidr, uint32_t *ip, uint32_t *mask)
        uint8_t a, b, c, d, bits;
        if (sscanf(cidr, "%hhu.%hhu.%hhu.%hhu/%hhu", a, b, c, d, bits) < 5) {
            return -1; /* didn't convert enough of CIDR */
        if (bits > 32) {
            return -1; /* Invalid bit count */
        *ip =
            (a << 24UL) |
            (b << 16UL) |
            (c << 8UL) |
        *mask = (0xFFFFFFFFUL << (32 - bits)) & 0xFFFFFFFFUL;
    uint32_t netip;
    uint32_t netmask;
    if (cidr_to_ip_and_mask("", &netip, &netmask) < 0) {
        /* return some failure */
    uint8_t a, b, c, d;
    char *ipstr= "" // value to check
    uint32_t ip = 0;
    if (sscanf(ipstr, "%hhu.%hhu.%hhu.%hhu",  a, b, c, d) < 4) {
            return -1; /* didn't convert enough of CIDR */
    ip = (a << 24UL) |
      (b << 16UL) |
      (c << 8UL) |
    uint32_t netstart = (netip & netmask); // first ip in subnet
    uint32_t netend = (netstart | ~netmask); // last ip in subnet
    if ((ip >= netstart) && (ip <= netend))
        // is in subnet range...
        // not in subnet range...







#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int cidr_to_ip_and_mask(const char *cidr, uint32_t *ip, uint32_t *mask)
    uint8_t a, b, c, d, bits;
    if (sscanf(cidr, "%hhu.%hhu.%hhu.%hhu/%hhu", &a, &b, &c, &d, &bits) < 5) {
        return -1; /* didn't convert enough of CIDR */
    if (bits > 32) {
        return -1; /* Invalid bit count */
    *ip =
        (a << 24UL) |
        (b << 16UL) |
        (c << 8UL) |
    *mask = (0xFFFFFFFFUL << (32 - bits)) & 0xFFFFFFFFUL;

void main()
    uint32_t netip;
    uint32_t netmask;

    for(int i=0;i<1000000;i++)
        if (cidr_to_ip_and_mask("", &netip, &netmask) < 0) {
            /* return some failure */
        uint8_t a, b, c, d;
        uint32_t ip;

        char *ipstr= ""; // value to check
        if (sscanf(ipstr, "%hhu.%hhu.%hhu.%hhu",  &a, &b, &c, &d) < 4) {

        ip = (a << 24UL) |
            (b << 16UL) |
            (c << 8UL) |

        uint32_t netstart = (netip & netmask); // first ip in subnet
        uint32_t netend = (netstart | ~netmask); // last ip in subnet
        if ((ip >= netstart) && (ip <= netend))


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void main(){

    for(int i=0;i<1000000;i++)

        char ipAsString[16]="";
        char cidrAsString[20]="";
        char *ipSplit[4];
        unsigned char ipAddr[4];
        for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
                ipSplit[i] =  (char *)strtok(ipAsString, ".");
                ipSplit[i] = (char *)strtok(NULL, ".");
        ipAddr[0] = atoi(ipSplit[0]);
        ipAddr[1] = atoi(ipSplit[1]);
        ipAddr[2] = atoi(ipSplit[2]);
        ipAddr[3] = atoi(ipSplit[3]);
        int i=0;
        char c[3];

        int cirdIntVal = atoi(c);
        int numOfSetBits = 0;
        if (ipAddr[0] < 255) {
            // find number of set bits (1s) in ipAddr[0] and add them to numOfSetBits
        } else if (ipAddr[1] <= 255) {
            numOfSetBits += 8;
            // find number of set bits (1s) in ipAddr[1] and add them to numOfSetBits
        } else if (ipAddr[2] <= 255) {
            numOfSetBits += 16;
            // find number of set bits (1s) in ipAddr[2] and add them to numOfSetBits
        } else {
            numOfSetBits += 24;
            // find number of set bits (1s) in ipAddr[1] and add them to numOfSetBits
        if (numOfSetBits == cirdIntVal) // will return true if ip is in cird


time ./t1     
./t1  0,00s user 0,00s system 80% cpu 0,001 total
time ./t2
./t2  0,00s user 0,00s system 81% cpu 0,001 total

Above is with return value ie return 1 or 0

Below is with printf()s

time ./t1  0,66s user 0,02s system 78% cpu 0,856 total

time ./t2  0,21s user 0,00s system 52% cpu 0,406 total

Second approch is ca 47% faster and easier on CPU

标签: c


从您的问题中不清楚,但是如果您将 ip 地址作为字符串或char数组提供,您可以将 ip 的每个“十进制值”存储到一个unsigned char. 您无需将其转换为 32 位值,您只需检查每个单独的字符,然后对其进行操作。例如,如果您有10.252.1.154ip,则将 10、252、1 和 154 存储在变量bits31_24bits23_16bits15_8、 中,然后从左bits7_01每个连续 s 的数量。unsigned char

int getCIDR (char *ipAsString, char* cird) {
    unsigned char ipAddr[4];
    char ipSplit[4][3] = strtok(ipAsString, '.');
    ipAddr[0] = atoi(ipSplit[0]);
    ipAddr[1] = atoi(ipSplit[1]);
    ipAddr[2] = atoi(ipSplit[2]);
    ipAddr[3] = atoi(ipSplit[3]);

    int numOfSetBits = 0;
    if (ipAddr[0] < 255) {
        // find number of set bits (1s) till first 0 in ipAddr[0] and add them to numOfSetBits
        return numOfSetBits;
    } else if (ipAddr[1] <= 255) {
        numOfSetBits += 8;
        // find number of set bits (1s) till first 0 in ipAddr[1] and add them to numOfSetBits
        return numOfSetBits;
    } else if (ipAddr[2] <= 255) {
        numOfSetBits += 16;
        // find number of set bits (1s) till first 0 in ipAddr[2] and add them to numOfSetBits
        return numOfSetBits;
    } else {
        numOfSetBits += 24;
        // find number of set bits (1s) in till first 0 ipAddr[1] and add them to numOfSetBits
        return numOfSetBits;

上面的代码将返回每个 CRDL from \0to\32


char* CLDR = malloc (sizeof(char) * (numOfDigits(numOfSetBits) + 1)); // 1 for \ character
CLDR = itoa (numberOfSetBits);


ipAddr[0] = (ipSplit[0][0] - '0') * 100 + (ipSplit[0][1] - '0') * 10 + ipSplit[0][0] - '0';


int getCIDR (char *ipAsString, char* cidr) {
    unsigned char ipAddr[4];
    char ipSplit[4][3] = strtok(ipAsString, '.');
    ipAddr[0] = atoi(ipSplit[0]);
    ipAddr[1] = atoi(ipSplit[1]);
    ipAddr[2] = atoi(ipSplit[2]);
    ipAddr[3] = atoi(ipSplit[3]);
    ++cidr; // to skip initial /
    int cirdIntVal = atoi(cidr);

    int numOfSetBits = 0;
    if (ipAddr[0] < 255) {
        // find number of set bits (1s) in ipAddr[0] and add them to numOfSetBits
    } else if (ipAddr[1] <= 255) {
        numOfSetBits += 8;
        // find number of set bits (1s) in ipAddr[1] and add them to numOfSetBits
    } else if (ipAddr[2] <= 255) {
        numOfSetBits += 16;
        // find number of set bits (1s) in ipAddr[2] and add them to numOfSetBits
    } else {
        numOfSetBits += 24;
        // find number of set bits (1s) in ipAddr[1] and add them to numOfSetBits

    return (numberOfSetBits == cirdIntVal); // will return true if ip is in cird

您也可以使用范围而不是进行return (numberOfSetBits == cirdIntVal);范围检查。我假设 CIRD 是从 1 到 32 之间的数字值(不是整数,而是字符串表示)。


\0 => 0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
\1 => 10xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
\2 => 110xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
\3 => 1110xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
... // and so on


