首页 > 解决方案 > How to modify a dataframe in-place so that its ArrayType column can't be null (nullable = false and containsNull = false)?


Take the following example dataframe:

val df = Seq(Seq("xxx")).toDF("a")


 |-- a: array (nullable = true)
 |    |-- element: string (containsNull = true)

How can I modify df in-place so that the resulting dataframe is not nullable anywhere, i.e. has the following schema:

 |-- a: array (nullable = false)
 |    |-- element: string (containsNull = false)

I understand that I can re-create another dataframe enforcing a non-nullable schema, such as following Change nullable property of column in spark dataframe

spark.createDataFrame(df.rdd, StructType(StructField("a", ArrayType(StringType, false), false) :: Nil))

But this is not an option under structured streaming, so I want it to be some kind of in-place modification.

标签: apache-sparkapache-spark-sqlspark-streaming


So the way to achieve this is with a UserDefinedFunction

// Problem setup
val df = Seq(Seq("xxx")).toDF("a")

|-- a: array (nullable = true)
|    |-- element: string (containsNull = true)

Onto the solution:

import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{ArrayType, StringType}
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{udf, col}

// We define a sub schema with the appropriate data type and null condition
val subSchema = ArrayType(StringType, containsNull = false)

// We create a UDF that applies this sub schema
// while specifying the output of the UDF to be non-nullable
val applyNonNullableSchemaUdf =  udf((x:Seq[String]) => x, subSchema).asNonNullable

// We apply the UDF
val newSchemaDF = df.withColumn("a", applyNonNullableSchemaUdf(col("a")))

And there you have it.

// Check new schema
|-- a: array (nullable = false)
|    |-- element: string (containsNull = false)

// Check that it actually works
|    a|
