首页 > 解决方案 > Django Video Encoding package not converting videos


hey guys I am trying to make the django-video-encoding package work with my code, but it doesn't seem to be converting the videos. I have followed exactly as per the documentation. Can someone help with checking the code I have if I missed anything??

This is the link to the package: https://github.com/escaped/django-video-encoding Can anyone tell me where I went wrong? I couldn't see any tutorials or much info regarding this package but it seems like its the only one there.

I have given the path to ffmpeg like this (am not sure whether its the right way to provide path). this is in settings.

VIDEO_ENCODING_FFMPEG_PATH = "c:\\ffmpeg\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe"

in my signals.py I have this.

@receiver(post_save, sender=VideoPost)
def convert_video(sender, instance, **kwargs):
    enqueue(tasks.convert_all_videos, instance._meta.app_label, instance._meta.model_name, instance.pk)
    print('Done converting!')

and this prints after I upload a video, but the conversion does not happen.

标签: djangodjango-modelsdjango-viewsdjango-templates


I tried to recreate but everything seems smooth to me. I didn't point the ffmpeg location though as I set it up in the PATH instead. Try to to set the ffmpeg as global(system) variable instead.
