首页 > 解决方案 > 我如何从这里完全删除 colorama?


我从一个朋友那里得到了这个代码,但是因为他在 linux 上,所以他有 colorama,它对我不起作用,当颜色代码在那里时,很难阅读和/或复制和粘贴结果。我需要编辑什么所以 colorama 不在其中?

import requests
import json
import sys
import struct
import socket
import colorama
from colorama import Fore

indent = "  "

def ip2bin(ip):  # Credit to converter
    binary = bin(struct.unpack('!I', socket.inet_aton(ip))[0])
    return binary

def arg_length():
    return len(sys.argv)

def print_help():
    print("** ipl -i <ip> - Gets information from an IP address")
    print("** ipl -h - Displays this page.")

def lookup(ip):
    print("Looking up IP address \"" + str(ip) + "\"..")

    re = requests.get("https://ipinfo.io/" + str(ip) + "/json")

    j = json.loads(re.content)

    postal = ''
    loc = ''
    hostname = ''

    print("IP Information:")

    for key, value in j.items():
        maininfo = True
        if str(key) == "error":
            print("Error: Invalid IP address")
        if str(key) != "readme":
            if key == "postal":
                postal = value
                maininfo = False
            if key == "loc":
                loc = value
                maininfo = False
            if key == 'hostname':
                loc = value
                maininfo = False
            if maininfo:
                print(indent + key, "-", Fore.BLUE + value + Fore.WHITE)

    binary = ip2bin(ip).replace('0b', '')

    ipClass = 'Class '

    if binary.startswith("0"):
        ipClass += 'A'

    elif binary.startswith('10'):
        ipClass += 'B'

    elif binary.startswith('110'):
        ipClass += 'C'

    elif binary.startswith('1110'):
        ipClass += 'D'

    elif binary.startswith('1111'):
        ipClass += 'E'

    print("Additional Information:")
    print(indent + "IP Class: " + Fore.BLUE + ipClass + Fore.WHITE)
    print(indent + "Postal Code: " + Fore.BLUE + postal + Fore.WHITE)
    print(indent + "Long/Lat: " + Fore.BLUE + loc + Fore.WHITE)
    if not hostname == '':
        print("Hostname: " + hostname)

if arg_length() == 1 or arg_length() == 2:
if arg_length() == 3:
    if str(sys.argv[1]) == "-i":

标签: pythoncolorama


只需删除 colorama 和 Fore 的所有用法,如下所示:

import requests
import json
import sys
import struct
import socket

indent = "  "

def ip2bin(ip):  # Credit to converter
    binary = bin(struct.unpack('!I', socket.inet_aton(ip))[0])
    return binary

def arg_length():
    return len(sys.argv)

def print_help():
    print("** ipl -i <ip> - Gets information from an IP address")
    print("** ipl -h - Displays this page.")

def lookup(ip):
    print("Looking up IP address \"" + str(ip) + "\"..")

    re = requests.get("https://ipinfo.io/" + str(ip) + "/json")

    j = json.loads(re.content)

    postal = ''
    loc = ''
    hostname = ''

    print("IP Information:")

    for key, value in j.items():
        maininfo = True
        if str(key) == "error":
            print("Error: Invalid IP address")
        if str(key) != "readme":
            if key == "postal":
                postal = value
                maininfo = False
            if key == "loc":
                loc = value
                maininfo = False
            if key == 'hostname':
                loc = value
                maininfo = False
            if maininfo:
                print(indent + key, "-", value)

    binary = ip2bin(ip).replace('0b', '')

    ipClass = 'Class '

    if binary.startswith("0"):
        ipClass += 'A'

    elif binary.startswith('10'):
        ipClass += 'B'

    elif binary.startswith('110'):
        ipClass += 'C'

    elif binary.startswith('1110'):
        ipClass += 'D'

    elif binary.startswith('1111'):
        ipClass += 'E'

    print("Additional Information:")
    print(indent + "IP Class: " + ipClass)
    print(indent + "Postal Code: " + postal)
    print(indent + "Long/Lat: " + loc)
    if not hostname == '':
        print("Hostname: " + hostname)

if arg_length() == 1 or arg_length() == 2:
if arg_length() == 3:
    if str(sys.argv[1]) == "-i":

我认为人们投票反对你是因为你表现出缺乏努力。但是,我花了 20 秒来解决您的问题,所以我不介意回答。

