首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用纯 JavaScript 和 CSS 添加淡入淡出动画以动态更改文本?


我在网页上有一个按时间间隔按顺序、动态和随机修改的文本标题。目前,我正在使用该textContent方法更改文本中的每个单词,这会导致动画笨拙。我想为每个单词/短语更改为文本添加淡入/淡出动画。我知道可以用 jQuery 完成类似的事情,但我想看看它是否可以在纯 JavaScript 和 CSS 中完成,如果它可以添加到我现有的代码中。如果我必须改变我的整个方法(比如将所有文本放入 HTML 元素并使用 CSS 显示每个元素),那也很好,只要它是有效的。


// Text to replace elements in h1 with
const languages = [
  ['Bienvenidos', 'a', 'odio la escuela'],
  ['Willkomen', 'zu', 'ich hasse schule'],
  ['欢迎', '来到', '我讨厌上学']

// Shuffles the array of languages (occurs once the array has been iterated through entirely)
const shuffle = () => {
  for (let i = languages.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
    const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1))
    const temp = languages[i]
    languages[i] = languages[j]
    languages[j] = temp

// DOM elements to be modified
const welcomeTitle = document.getElementById('welcome-landing-header')
const toTitle      = document.getElementById('to-landing-header')
const landingTitle = document.getElementById('landing-title')

// Function to modify the text
let languageIndex = 0
const changeHeading = () => {
  /* Case where the language index has gone out of bounds of the array; reshuffle array and 
     reset text */
  if (languageIndex === languages.length) {
    languageIndex = 0
    welcomeTitle.textContent = 'Welcome'
    setTimeout(() => toTitle.textContent = 'to', 1000)
    setTimeout(() => landingTitle.textContent = 'i hate school', 2000)
  } else {
    // Iterate through the random language selected, changing each DOM element sequentially
    const language = languages[languageIndex]
    welcomeTitle.textContent = language[0]
    setTimeout(() => toTitle.textContent = language[1], 1000)
    setTimeout(() => landingTitle.textContent = language[2], 2000)

setInterval(changeHeading, 3000)
  <span id="welcome-landing-header">Welcome</span>
  <span id="to-landing-header">to</span>
  <span id="landing-title">i hate school</span>

我只想为每个span修改的元素添加淡入/淡出动画,而不是像当前那样在没有任何动画的情况下更改文本。这很困难,因为同时发生了 3 个交错动画(一个用于“欢迎”,一个用于“到”,一个用于“我讨厌学校”)。如果有人可以帮助我或提供更有效的解决方案,我将不胜感激!谢谢!

标签: javascripthtmlcss


您可以使用W3.CSS Animations 并添加一个新的 js 函数来创建您想要的内容。这样您的代码最终将类似于以下几行

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport"
          content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
        .fade {
            animation: myanimation 1.5s;
        @keyframes myanimation {
            from {opacity: 0;}
            to {opacity: 1;}
        <span id="welcome-landing-header" class="fade">Welcome</span>
        <span id="to-landing-header" class="fade">to</span>
        <span id="landing-title" class="fade">i hate school</span>
        // Text to replace elements in h1 with
        const languages = [
            ['Bienvenidos', 'a', 'odio la escuela'],
            ['Willkomen', 'zu', 'ich hasse schule'],
            ['欢迎', '来到', '我讨厌上学']

        // Shuffles the array of languages (occurs once the array has been iterated through entirely)
        const shuffle = () => {
            for (let i = languages.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
                const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1))
                const temp = languages[i]
                languages[i] = languages[j]
                languages[j] = temp

        // DOM elements to be modified
        const welcomeTitle = document.getElementById('welcome-landing-header')
        const toTitle      = document.getElementById('to-landing-header')
        const landingTitle = document.getElementById('landing-title')

        // Function to modify the text
        let languageIndex = 0
        const changeHeading = () => {
            /* Case where the language index has gone out of bounds of the array; reshuffle array and
               reset text */
            if (languageIndex === languages.length) {
                languageIndex = 0
                welcomeTitle.textContent = 'Welcome'
                setTimeout(() => toTitle.textContent = 'to', 1000)
                setTimeout(() => landingTitle.textContent = 'i hate school', 2000)
            } else {

                // Iterate through the random language selected, changing each DOM element sequentially
                const language = languages[languageIndex]
                welcomeTitle.textContent = language[0]
                setTimeout(() => toTitle.textContent = language[1], 1000)
                setTimeout(() => landingTitle.textContent = language[2], 2000)

        const fadeAnimation = () => {
            const welcomeTitle = document.getElementById('welcome-landing-header')
            const toTitle      = document.getElementById('to-landing-header')
            const landingTitle = document.getElementById('landing-title')

            welcomeTitle.className = '';
            toTitle.className = '';
            landingTitle.className = '';

            setTimeout(() => welcomeTitle.className = 'fade', 10)
            setTimeout(() => toTitle.className = 'fade', 1000)
            setTimeout(() => landingTitle.className = 'fade', 2000)

        setInterval(changeHeading, 3000)
        setInterval(fadeAnimation, 3000)
