首页 > 解决方案 > Get an uniform distributed sample but keep the order


How could i get a sample of a values of a vector but keep the order without compairing the values themself against each other?

for example:

V1 contains values (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14)

I woule like to get a sample

sample <- (2,7,10,14)

As you can see the values are still on order but randomly selected.

But if i use a function sample or rdunif in R I get random orderd selection:

ie. (7,10,2,14)

Thank you!

标签: rvectorrandomsamplesampling


With the following solution you do not compare the elements of your original vector in order to sort them; the only thing you do is shuffling a vector of logical values (TRUE or FALSE).

Let's say you want to pick n elements from the already-ordered vector v and maintain their order. Then you can do

v <- 1:14
n <- 4

set.seed(42)   # for reproducibility
logi <- sample(c(rep(TRUE, n), rep(FALSE, length(v) - n)))
# [1]  1  6  7 14

EDIT to prove that the vector v can be any vector, and we still manage to maintain its original order.

n <- 4
v <- sample(14, replace = FALSE)
# [1]  9  4  7  1  2 12  3  6 10  8  5 11 13 14

set.seed(42)   # for reproducibility
logi <- sample(c(rep(TRUE, n), rep(FALSE, length(v) - n)))
# [1]  9 12  3 14

These numbers respect indeed the original order of vector v.
