首页 > 解决方案 > 如何创建多层神经网络


感谢您提前为我提供的任何帮助!我已经获得了用于简单单层感知器的 python 代码,其任务是更改代码,使其成为多层感知器。我对这一切还是很陌生,但据我了解,重复的前馈和反向传播循环是创建隐藏层的原因。给定以下代码,应该改变什么来帮助创建这些隐藏层?

# Creating a numerically stable logistic s-shaped definition to call
def sigmoid(x):
    x = np.clip(x, -500, 500)
    if x.any()>=0:
        return 1/(1 + np.exp(-x))
        return np.exp(x)/(1 + np.exp(x))

# define the dimentions and set the weights to random numbers
def init_parameters(dim1, dim2=1,std=1e-1, random = True):
# Single layer network: Forward Prop
# Passed in the weight vectors, bias vector, the input vector and the Y
def fwd_prop(W1, bias, X, Y):

    Z1 = np.dot(W1, X) + bias # dot product of the weights and X + bias
    A1 = sigmoid(Z1)  # Uses sigmoid to create a predicted vector


#Single layer network: Backprop
def back_prop(A1, W1, bias, X, Y):

    m = np.shape(X)[1] # used the calculate the cost by the number of inputs -1/m
    # Cross entropy loss function
    cost = (-1/m)*np.sum(Y*np.log(A1) + (1-Y)*np.log(1-A1)) # cost of error
    dZ1 = A1 - Y                                            # subtract actual from pred weights
    dW1 = (1/m) * np.dot(dZ1, X.T)                          # calc new weight vector
    dBias = (1/m) * np.sum(dZ1, axis = 1, keepdims = True)  # calc new bias vector
    grads ={"dW1": dW1, "dB1":dBias} # Weight and bias vectors after backprop
    return(grads, cost)

def run_grad_desc(num_epochs, learning_rate, X, Y, n_1):
    n_0, m = np.shape(X)
    W1 = init_parameters(n_1, n_0, True)
    B1 = init_parameters(n_1,1, True)
    loss_array = np.ones([num_epochs])*np.nan # resets the loss_array to NaNs
    for i in np.arange(num_epochs):
        A1 = fwd_prop(W1, B1, X, Y)                # get predicted vector
        grads, cost = back_prop(A1, W1, B1, X, Y)    # get gradient and the cost from BP 
        W1 = W1 - learning_rate*grads["dW1"]    # update weight vector LR*gradient*[BP weights]
        B1 = B1 - learning_rate*grads["dB1"]    # update bias LR*gradient[BP bias]
        loss_array[i] = cost                    # loss array gets cross ent values
        parameter = {"W1":W1, "B1":B1}           # assign 
    return(parameter, loss_array) 


标签: pythonneural-networkperceptron



我对你的建议是开始学习神经网络的基础知识。有很多很棒的资源,包括在 Youtube 上。对于反向传播,这里是一个很好的起点

另请注意,如果您赶时间,使用 TensorFlow 或 Pytorch 等 autograd 工具会为您处理差异化。当然,如果您这样做是为了了解神经网络的细节,那么从头开始构建一个会好得多。
