首页 > 解决方案 > Array 2d VBA 可选元素


如何在 VBA 的二维数组中添加可选元素?工作示例:

sub test
   Dim arr As Variant, ix as variant
   arr = Array( _
   Array("01probe", 1, 2, True), _
   Array("02datum", 3, 4) _
  '... lots more
  ' true optional, nothing or just "false" as alternative

  For Each ix In arr
   Debug.Print ix(3) '<---- index out of range
  Next ix
end sub


标签: arraysvbamultidimensional-array




如果您的数组被声明As Variant,它可以保留任何类型的变量,包括对象。也没有必要声明它的尺寸。什么都可以考虑Optional...


Sub testOptionalArray()
 Dim arr As Variant, dbInteger As Integer, strProbeNr As Long, rng As Range
 Dim rng2 As Range, dbDate As Date, dDate As Date
  dbInteger = 11: strProbeNr = 1000: dbDate = Date + 1: dDate = Now
  Set rng = Range("A1:A2"): Set rng2 = Range("B1:B2")
  arr = Array( _
        Array("01probe", dbInteger, strProbeNr, rng), _
        Array("02datum", dbDate, dDate, rng2))
  Debug.Print arr(0)(1), arr(0)(3).cells(1, 1).value
  Debug.Print arr(1)(1), arr(1)(UBound(arr(1))).cells.count, arr(1)(UBound(arr(1))).Address
End Sub



Sub testJaggedArray()
Dim arr As Variant, ix As Variant
   arr = Array( _
   Array("01probe", 1, 2, True), _
   Array("02datum", 3, 4))
  'The above array must be understood like an array of two arrays, 
  'first of them having 4 elements (ubound = 4, because it starts from 0)
  ' and a second one with only 3 elements.

  For Each ix In arr
   'When your code tries to print the fourth element of an array with only 
   'three elements, of course VBA return 'subscript out of range'.
   Debug.Print ix(3) '<---- subscript out of range
  Next ix
  'You can return an element of an array inside a jagged array in this way:
   Debug.Print arr(1)(ubound(arr(1)))' which means returning of the last element
                                     ' of the second array without returning an error
  'You may use an array of two arrays having different number of element, 
  'but you cannot expect to an array to return an INEXISTENT item.
  'There is no any connection between an hypothetical need of OPTIONAL element.
  'It is only a matter of EXISTING element...
End Sub
