首页 > 解决方案 > 地球引擎:在 ee.ImageCollection 上映射会返回 ee.FeatureCollection


我正在尝试使用以下脚本从 Sentinel-2 图像集合中删除带有云的图像:

// Remove images with clouds
var cloud_removal = function(image){

  // save the quality assessment band QA60 as a variable
  var cloud_mask = image.select('QA60');
  // calculate the sum of the QA60-Band (because QA60 != 0 means cloud or cirrus presence)
  var cloud_pixels = cloud_mask.reduceRegion( // reduceRegion computes a single object value pair out of an image
    {reducer:ee.Reducer.sum(), // calculates the sum of all pixels..
    geometry:aoi, // inside the specified geometry
    scale:60}) // at this scale (matching the band resolution of the QA60 band)
    .getNumber('QA60'); // extracts the values as a number
  return ee.Algorithms.If(cloud_pixels.eq(0), image);

var s2_collection_noclouds = s2_collection_clipped.map(cloud_removal, true);
print('The clipped Sentinel-2 image collection without cloudy images: ', s2_collection_noclouds);


var s2_collection_noclouds = ee.ImageCollection(s2_collection_clipped.map(cloud_removal, true));


标签: javascriptgoogle-earth-engine



var visualization = {
  min: 0,
  max: 3000,
  bands: ['B4', 'B3', 'B2'],
Map.addLayer(s2_collection_noclouds.median(), visualization, "Sentinel-2")

旁注:我确实看到地球引擎代码编辑器控制台将对象类型标记为“FeatureCollection”,并且该集合包含图像对象的特征。这似乎是因为映射函数中的 ee.Algorithms.If() 为多云图像返回了一个空对象。如果您改为返回蒙版图像:

return ee.Algorithms.If(cloud_pixels.eq(0), image, image.mask(0));

那么该集合被正确地描述为一个 ImageCollection。
