首页 > 解决方案 > 取消透视具有最新记录的列



    CREATE TABLE Student
        StudentID int,
        FirstName varchar(100),
        LastName varchar(100),
        FullAddress varchar(100),
        CityState varchar(100),
        MathStatus varchar(100),
        MUpdateDate datetime2,
        ScienceStatus varchar(100),
        SUpdateDate datetime2,
        EnglishStatus varchar(100),
        EUpdateDate datetime2

所需的查询输出,我正在使用 CTE 方法,但试图找到替代和更好的方法。

SELECT StudentID, FirstName, LastName, FullAddress, CityState, [SubjectStatus], UpdateDate
    FROM Student

    ;WITH orginal AS
    (SELECT * FROM Student)
    ,Math as
        SELECT DISTINCT StudentID, FirstName, LastName, FullAddress, CityState,
        ROW_NUMBER OVER (PARTITION BY StudentID, MathStatus ORDER BY MUpdateDate DESC) as rn
        , _o.MathStatus as SubjectStatus, _o.MupdateDate as UpdateDate
        FROM original as o
        left join orignal as _o on o.StudentID = _o.StudentID
        where _o.MathStatus is not null and _o.MUpdateDate is not null
    ,Science AS
    ...--Same as Math
    ,English AS
    ...--Same As Math
    SELECT * FROM Math WHERE rn = 1 
    SELECT * FROM Science WHERE rn = 1
    SELECT * FROM English WHERE rn = 1

标签: tsql





create table Student
    StudentId int,
    StudentName varchar(15),
    MathStat varchar(5),
    MathDate date,
    ScienceStat varchar(5),
    ScienceDate date

insert into Student (StudentID, StudentName, MathStat, MathDate, ScienceStat, ScienceDate) values
(1, 'John Smith',   'A',  '2020-01-01', 'B',  '2020-05-01'),
(1, 'John Smith',   'A',  '2020-01-01', 'B+', '2020-06-01'),  -- B for Science was updated to B+ month later
(2, 'Peter Parker', 'F',  '2020-01-01', 'A',  '2020-05-01'),
(2, 'Peter Parker', 'A+', '2020-03-01', 'A',  '2020-05-01'),  -- Spider-Man would never fail Math, fixed...
(3, 'Tom Holland',  null, null,         'A',  '2020-05-01'),
(3, 'Tom Holland',  'A-', '2020-07-01', 'A',  '2020-05-01');  -- Tom was sick for Math, but got a second chance


您的问题标题已包含单词unpivot。该词实际上作为关键字存在于 T-SQL 中。您可以在文档中了解unpivot关键字。您自己的解决方案已经包含公用表表达式,这些结构应该看起来很熟悉。


  1. cte_unpivot= 取消透视所有行,创建一列并使用表达式Subject将相应的值 ( SubjectStat, Date) 放在它旁边。case
  2. cte_recent= 对行编号以查找每个学生和学科的最新行。
  3. 仅选择那些最近的行。


with cte_unpivot as
    select  up.StudentId,
            case up.[Subject]
                when 'MathStat' then 'Math'
                when 'ScienceStat' then 'Science'
            end as [Subject],
            case up.[Subject]
                when 'MathStat' then up.MathDate
                when 'ScienceStat' then up.ScienceDate
            end as [Date]
    from Student s
    unpivot ([SubjectStat] for [Subject] in ([MathStat], [ScienceStat])) up
cte_recent as
    select  cu.StudentId, cu.StudentName, cu.[Subject], cu.SubjectStat, cu.[Date],
            row_number() over (partition by cu.StudentId, cu.[Subject] order by cu.[Date] desc) as [RowNum]
    from cte_unpivot cu
select cr.StudentId, cr.StudentName, cr.[Subject], cr.SubjectStat, cr.[Date]
from cte_recent cr
where cr.RowNum = 1;


StudentId   StudentName     Subject SubjectStat Date
----------- --------------- ------- ----------- ----------
1           John Smith      Math    A           2020-01-01
1           John Smith      Science B+          2020-06-01
2           Peter Parker    Math    A+          2020-03-01
2           Peter Parker    Science A           2020-05-01
3           Tom Holland     Math    A-          2020-07-01
3           Tom Holland     Science A           2020-05-01
