首页 > 解决方案 > 获取变量错误 - Mytable 和 tableName 可以在此 Python 代码中未定义。如何纠正?


我越来越Variable Error - Mytable and tableName can be undefined in this Python Code。如何纠正?

import pyodbc

# we may be interested in finding all the drivers we have access to
for driver in pyodbc.drivers():

# print the driver name
# print(driver)

# if the driver name has '.xlsx' in it we found it!
if '.xlsx' in driver:
    myDriver = driver

# define our connection string
conn_str = (r'DRIVER={' + myDriver + '};'
                                 r'DBQ="C:\Python_Project\Tap Report for 26-Aug-2022.xlsx;'
                                 r'ReadOnly=1')  # ReadOnly set to 0 means we can edit the data.

# define our connection, autocommit MUST BE SET TO TRUE, also we can edit data.
cnxn = pyodbc.connect(conn_str, autocommit=True)
crsr = cnxn.cursor()

# loop through all the tables
for worksheet in crsr.tables():
     # display the worksheet

     # grab the table name.
     tableName = worksheet[2]

# define our query to grab the data.
# we want this "SELECT Topic FROM [Sheet1$]"
crsr.execute("SELECT Topic FROM [{}]".format(tableName))

# print each row of data.
for row in crsr:

标签: pythonpycharm

