首页 > 解决方案 > I'm unable to login in Visual Studio Code to Live Share


Whenever I try to Live Share in Visual Studio Code it asks to login with either Microsoft or GitHub, but both of them are unable to open in a new window. I'm unable to login because of that.

screenshot of login issue

How can I login using GitHub to Live Share in VSCode?

标签: githubvisual-studio-codevscode-liveshare


根据Microsoft 文档,您可以使用“用户代码”作为解决方法登录:

  1. 确保您安装了最新版本的 VS Code 和 Live Share Extension。
  2. Ctrl+Shift+PCmd+Shift+P并运行"Live Share: Sign in with user code"命令。
  3. 如果浏览器仍未出现,请在浏览器中打开以下链接并登录。 https://insiders.liveshare.vsengsaas.visualstudio.com/auth/login
  4. 完成后,单击"Having trouble? Click here for user code directions"以查看用户代码。
  5. 复制用户代码。
  6. 将用户代码粘贴到运行"Live Share: Sign in with user code"命令时出现的输入字段中,然后按 Enter 键完成登录过程。
