首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么 lapply 不转发其他参数?




data$keyword <- stri_extract_all(str = data$text, regex = search_key)

但是为了优化/并行化代码,我想使用 apply 系列的函数。但是在执行以下行之一时,我总是会收到错误消息,因为regex -argument 未传递给stri_extract_all -function

data$keyword <- lapply(data$text, FUN = stri_extract_all(), regex = search_key)
data$keyword <- lapply(data$text, FUN = stri_extract_all(), regex = get(search_key))
data$keyword <- lapply(data$text, FUN = stri_extract_all(), ... = "regex=search_key")


data <- structure(list(status_id = c(1112765520644894720, 1112938379296104448, 
1112587129622876160, 1113006196259196928, 1112840488208531456
), text = c("@LaraFukuro more frilly stuff but i actually found a matching carrot bag which also screamed \"LARA\" inside me xD", 
"@EuroMasochismo @VaeVictis @AlbertoBagnai @Comunardo La selezione fatta a dodici anni favorisce chi è seguito. È come selezionare a 4 anni chi deve giocare a pallone proibendolo a tutti gli altri ...", 
"@SignorErnesto @Cr1st14nM3s14n0 @ggargiulo3 @micheleboldrin Sbagliato io.", 
"@BrownResearchGT On Aconcagua, the permit requires climbers above basecamp to collect their waste and carry it back down where it's taken away by helicopter. They actually weigh the bag! And still, most small rocks had human feces underneath. It's a problem!\r\nHopefully @DenaliNPS will follow suit. ", 
"@Jenn198523 Once you silence a person &amp; cover them with a huge trash bag, beating &amp; killing are not far behind."
)), row.names = c(NA, -5L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"

search_key <- "(?<=(^|\\s|\\D))([:alnum:]*|@[:alnum:]*|#[:alnum:]*)bag([:alnum:]*)(?=(\\D|\\s|$))"


标签: rapplylapplystringi


stri_extract_all已在 上矢量化str。您不需要将其包含在内,lapply如果您这样做,您将显着减慢您的代码。

data$keyword <- stri_extract_all(data$text, regex = search_key)
