首页 > 解决方案 > 如何让我的 sphinx 指令将资产添加到 _static 文件夹?


我正在构建一个自定义 sphinx 扩展和指令,以在 sphinx 和 ReadTheDocs 上呈现交互式图表。图表的实际数据位于.json文件中。


.. chart:: charts/test.json
    :width: 400px
    :height: 250px

    This is the caption of the chart, yay...


  1. 使用与图表相同大小的占位符渲染文档(加载微调器)

  2. 使用 jQuery(在添加的 javascript 文件中)获取 json 文件(在本例中)的 URI(我将其作为属性添加到我的指令中的 dom 节点charts/test.json

  3. 使用 jQuery 获取文件并解析 JSON

  4. 成功获取数据后,使用 plotly 库将其呈现为图表并使用 jQuery 删除占位符


class PlotlyChartDirective(Directive):
    """ Top-level plotly chart directive """

    has_content = True

    def px_value(argument):
        # This is not callable as self.align.  We cannot make it a
        # staticmethod because we're saving an unbound method in
        # option_spec below.
        return directives.length_or_percentage_or_unitless(argument, 'px')

    required_arguments = 1
    optional_arguments = 0

    option_spec = {
        # TODO allow static images for PDF renders   'altimage': directives.unchanged,
        'height': px_value,
        'width': px_value,

    def run(self):
        """ Parse a plotly chart directive """

        env = self.state.document.settings.env
        # Ensure the current chart ID is initialised in the environment
        if 'next_plotly_chart_id' not in env.temp_data:
            env.temp_data['next_plotly_chart_id'] = 0

        id = env.temp_data['next_plotly_chart_id']

        # Handle the URI of the *.json asset
        uri = directives.uri(self.arguments[0])

        # Create the main node container and store the URI of the file which will be collected later
        node = nodes.container()
        node['classes'] = ['sphinx-plotly']

        # Increment the ID counter ready for the next chart
        env.temp_data['next_plotly_chart_id'] += 1

        # Only if its a supported builder do we proceed (otherwise return an empty node)
        if env.app.builder.name in get_compatible_builders(env.app):

            chart_node = nodes.container()
            chart_node['classes'] = ['sphinx-plotly-chart', f"sphinx-plotly-chart-id-{id}", f"sphinx-plotly-chart-uri-{uri}"]

            placeholder_node = nodes.container()
            placeholder_node['classes'] = ['sphinx-plotly-placeholder', f"sphinx-plotly-placeholder-{id}"]
            placeholder_node += nodes.caption('', 'Loading...')

            node += chart_node
            node += placeholder_node

            # Add optional chart caption and legend (inspired by Figure directive)
            if self.content:
                caption_node = nodes.Element()  # Anonymous container for parsing
                self.state.nested_parse(self.content, self.content_offset, caption_node)
                first_node = caption_node[0]
                if isinstance(first_node, nodes.paragraph):
                    caption = nodes.caption(first_node.rawsource, '', *first_node.children)
                    caption.source = first_node.source
                    caption.line = first_node.line
                    node += caption
                elif not (isinstance(first_node, nodes.comment) and len(first_node) == 0):
                    error = self.state_machine.reporter.error(
                        'Chart caption must be a paragraph or empty comment.',
                        nodes.literal_block(self.block_text, self.block_text),
                    return [node, error]
                if len(caption_node) > 1:
                    node += nodes.legend('', *caption_node[1:])

        return [node]



我努力寻找支持方法(我假设Sphinx app实例有一个add_static_file()方法,就像它有一个add_css_file()方法一样)。




标签: pythonpython-sphinxdirectiveread-the-docsdocutils


我意识到在指令的方法中直接使用 sphinx 的copyfile实用程序(仅在文件更改时复制,所以很快) 。run()


class PlotlyChartDirective(Directive):
    """ Top-level plotly chart directive """

    has_content = True

    def px_value(argument):
        # This is not callable as self.align.  We cannot make it a
        # staticmethod because we're saving an unbound method in
        # option_spec below.
        return directives.length_or_percentage_or_unitless(argument, 'px')

    required_arguments = 1
    optional_arguments = 0

    option_spec = {
        # TODO allow static images for PDF renders   'altimage': directives.unchanged,
        'height': px_value,
        'width': px_value,

    def run(self):
        """ Parse a plotly chart directive """
        env = self.state.document.settings.env

        # Ensure the current chart ID is initialised in the environment
        if 'next_plotly_chart_id' not in env.temp_data:
            env.temp_data['next_plotly_chart_id'] = 0

        # Get the ID of this chart
        id = env.temp_data['next_plotly_chart_id']

        # Handle the src and destination URI of the *.json asset
        uri = directives.uri(self.arguments[0])
        src_uri = os.path.join(env.app.builder.srcdir, uri)
        build_uri = os.path.join(env.app.builder.outdir, '_static', uri)

        # Create the main node container and store the URI of the file which will be collected later
        node = nodes.container()
        node['classes'] = ['sphinx-plotly']

        # Increment the ID counter ready for the next chart
        env.temp_data['next_plotly_chart_id'] += 1

        # Only if its a supported builder do we proceed (otherwise return an empty node)
        if env.app.builder.name in get_compatible_builders(env.app):

            # Make the directories and copy file (if file has changed)
            destdir = os.path.dirname(build_uri)
            if not os.path.exists(destdir):

            copyfile(src_uri, build_uri)

            width = self.options.pop('width', DEFAULT_WIDTH)
            height = self.options.pop('height', DEFAULT_HEIGHT)

            chart_node = nodes.container()
            chart_node['classes'] = ['sphinx-plotly-chart', f"sphinx-plotly-chart-id-{id}", f"sphinx-plotly-chart-uri-{uri}"]

            placeholder_node = nodes.container()
            placeholder_node['classes'] = ['sphinx-plotly-placeholder', f"sphinx-plotly-placeholder-{id}"]
            placeholder_node += nodes.caption('', 'Loading...')

            node += chart_node
            node += placeholder_node

            # Add optional chart caption and legend (as per figure directive)
            if self.content:
                caption_node = nodes.Element()  # Anonymous container for parsing
                self.state.nested_parse(self.content, self.content_offset, caption_node)
                first_node = caption_node[0]
                if isinstance(first_node, nodes.paragraph):
                    caption = nodes.caption(first_node.rawsource, '', *first_node.children)
                    caption.source = first_node.source
                    caption.line = first_node.line
                    node += caption
                elif not (isinstance(first_node, nodes.comment) and len(first_node) == 0):
                    error = self.state_machine.reporter.error(
                        'Chart caption must be a paragraph or empty comment.',
                        nodes.literal_block(self.block_text, self.block_text),
                    return [node, error]
                if len(caption_node) > 1:
                    node += nodes.legend('', *caption_node[1:])

        return [node]
