首页 > 解决方案 > 将实现接口的泛型列表分配给相同接口的列表



我创建了一个接口Boxed和一个实现该接口的抽象泛型类Box。然后我创建了两个具体的类IntegerBoxStringBox. 然后我创建了一个元素列表,其中Box包含一个IntegerBox值和一个StringBox值。到目前为止,一切都很好。

现在我想分配List<? extends Box>List<Boxed>. 我的期望是,这应该是有效的,因为任何扩展都可以Box实现Boxed。但是编译器不允许我。这是错误:

main.java:29: error: incompatible types: List<CAP#1> cannot be converted to List<Boxed>
    List<Boxed> lb2 = laeb; // does not compile, although every value which extends Box implements Boxed
  where CAP#1 is a fresh type-variable:
    CAP#1 extends Box from capture of ? extends Box
1 error


List<? extends Box> laeb = List.of (new IntegerBox(42), new StringBox("answer"));
List<Boxed> lb1 = new ArrayList<> (laeb);

如果类型为,则类型的每个元素? extends Box都用于创建一个值Boxed。但是分配报告了不兼容的类型。为什么?

import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class main
  static interface Boxed { }

  static abstract class Box<T> implements Boxed
    T content;
    Box (T content) { this.content = content; }

  static class IntegerBox extends Box<Integer> { IntegerBox (Integer content) { super (content); } }
  static class StringBox  extends Box<String>  { StringBox  (String content)  { super (content); } }

  public static void main (String ...arguments) throws Exception
    IntegerBox i = new IntegerBox(42);
    StringBox  s = new StringBox("answer");

    List<? extends Box> laeb = List.of (i, s);

    Boxed b0 = i;  // => IntegerBox is compatible with Boxed
    Boxed b1 = s;  // => StringBox  is compatible with Boxed

    List<Boxed> lb1 = new ArrayList<> (laeb); // List<Boxed> can be created by values of "? extends Box"

    List<Boxed> lb2 = laeb; // does not compile, although every value which extends Box implements Boxed

标签: java



List<StringBox> stringBoxList = new ArrayList<StringBox>();
List<? extends Box> boxList = stringBoxList; // works, StringBox extends Box

List<Boxed> boxedList = boxList; // suppose this *did* work
boxedList.add(new IntegerBox(42)); // this line definitely compiles, what does it do?

在最后一行之后,stringBoxList将包含一个IntegerBox,尽管最初是一个ArrayList<StringBox>. 那很糟。



List<? extends Boxed> boxedList = boxList;

boxedList.add(new IntegerBox(42));
// forbidden by the compiler, because IntegerBox is not necessarily the _same_ subclass    
// of Boxed as boxedList's elements


List<Boxed> boxedList = Collections.unmodifiableList(boxList);


(但是,坦率地说,List<Dog> 是 List<Animal> 的子类吗?为什么 Java 泛型不是隐式多态的?涵盖了这一点,而不是 . 的直接情况? extends。)
