首页 > 解决方案 > 将 Excel 数据导出/写入 CSV 文件时如何保持 Excel 格式?


以下代码读取 Excel 数据并将数据放置在 CSV 文件中。

创建 CSV 文件后,我的 Excel 工作表上的格式化数据返回到它的预格式化形式。

例如我的数据“mm/dd/yyy”-> 44067。具有前导“0”的整数,例如“01”-> 1。十进制值,例如“3.80”和或“7.00”->“3.8”和“7”。

Sub ExportCSV()
    Dim vArr, x As Long, y As Long
    Dim fNum As Long, fileName As String
    Dim sLine As String, sVal As String

    vArr = Worksheets("ImportFile").UsedRange.Value2

    fNum = FreeFile
    fileName = Environ$("Userprofile") & "\desktop\2225D_DH.txt"
    Open fileName For Output Lock Write As #fNum

    For x = LBound(vArr) + 1 To UBound(vArr)
        sLine = ""
        For y = LBound(vArr, 2) To UBound(vArr, 2)
            If IsInArray(y, Array(9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16)) Then
                sVal = PadLeft(vArr(x, y), FieldLength(y))
                sVal = PadRight(vArr(x, y), FieldLength(y))
            End If
            sLine = sLine & sVal
        Next y
        Print #fNum, sLine
    Next x
    Close fNum

    Debug.Print "Saved file " & fileName
    MsgBox ("Your CSV File Is Ready!")
End Sub

Function FieldLength(col As Long) As Long
    Dim i As Long

    Select Case col
    Case 1: i = 9
    Case 2: i = 6
    Case 3: i = 6
    Case 4: i = 1
    Case 5: i = 2
    Case 6: i = 10
    Case 7: i = 4
    Case 8: i = 4
    Case 9: i = 9
    Case 10: i = 9
    Case 11: i = 9
    Case 12: i = 11
    Case 13: i = 11
    Case 14: i = 11
    Case 15: i = 9
    Case 16: i = 11
    Case 17: i = 1
    Case 18: i = 12
    Case 19: i = 6
    Case 20: i = 12
    Case 21: i = 12
    Case 22: i = 6
    Case 23: i = 12
    Case 24: i = 8
    Case 25: i = 12
    Case 26: i = 12
    Case 27: i = 12
    Case 28: i = 12
    Case 29: i = 1
    End Select

    FieldLength = i
End Function

Function PadLeft(str, num As Long) As String
    If Len(str) > num Then
        PadLeft = Left$(str & Space$(num), num)
        PadLeft = Space$(num - Len(str)) & str
    End If
End Function

Function PadRight(str, num As Long) As String
    PadRight = Left$(str & Space$(num), num)
End Function

Function IsInArray(searchVal, vArr) As Boolean
    Dim val
    For Each val In vArr
        If searchVal = val Then
            IsInArray = True
            Exit Function
        End If
End Function

标签: excelvbacsv



如上所述,如果您想要单元格的格式化值,则需要使用Textnot 。Value2

Sub ExportCSV()

    Dim fNum As Long, fileName As String
    Dim sLine As String, sVal As String
    Dim rng As Range, r As Long, c As Long, v
    Set rng = Worksheets("ImportFile").UsedRange
    fNum = FreeFile
    fileName = Environ$("Userprofile") & "\desktop\2225D_DH.txt"
    Open fileName For Output Lock Write As #fNum
    For r = 1 To rng.Rows.Count
        sLine = ""
        For c = 1 To rng.Columns.Count
            v = rng.Cells(r, c).Text
            If IsInArray(c, Array(9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16)) Then
                sVal = PadLeft(v, FieldLength(c))
                sVal = PadRight(v, FieldLength(c))
            End If
            sLine = sLine & sVal
        Next c
        Print #fNum, sLine
    Next r
    Close fNum
    Debug.Print "Saved file " & fileName
    MsgBox ("Your file Is Ready!")
End Sub
