首页 > 解决方案 > 获取嵌套网址时如何在异步中链接协程


我目前正在设计一个蜘蛛来抓取一个特定的网站。我可以做到同步,但我试图让我的头脑围绕 asyncio 使其尽可能高效。我已经尝试了很多不同的方法,yieldchained functionsqueues无法使其工作。

我对解决问题的设计部分和逻辑最感兴趣。不需要可运行的代码,而是突出 assyncio 最重要的方面。我不能发布任何代码,因为我的尝试不值得分享。


example.com(我知道,应该是 example.com)的设计如下:



for table in my_url_list:
    # Get HTML
    # Extract urls from HTML to user_list
    for user in user_list:
        # Get HTML
        # Extract urls from HTML to user_subcat_list
        for subcat in user_subcat_list:
            # extract content

但现在我想异步抓取网站。假设我们使用 5 个实例(pyppeteer 中的选项卡或 aiohttp 中的请求)来解析内容。我们应该如何设计它以使其最高效,我们应该使用什么 asyncio 语法?


感谢@user4815162342 解决了我的问题。我一直在玩弄他的解决方案,如果其他人想玩 asyncio,我会在下面发布可运行的代码。

import asyncio
import random
my_url_list = ['exemple.com/table1', 'exemple.com/table2', 'exemple.com/table3']

# Random sleeps to simulate requests to the server
async def randsleep(caller=None):
    i = random.randint(1, 6)
    if caller:
        print(f"Request HTML for {caller} sleeping for {i} seconds.")
    await asyncio.sleep(i)

async def process_urls(url_list):
    print(f'async def process_urls: added {url_list}')
    limit = asyncio.Semaphore(5)
    coros = [process_user_list(table, limit) for table in url_list]
    await asyncio.gather(*coros)

async def process_user_list(table, limit):
    async with limit:
        # Simulate HTML request and extracting urls to populate user_list
        await randsleep(table)
        if table[-1] == '1':
            user_list = ['exemple.com/user1', 'exemple.com/user2', 'exemple.com/user3']
        elif table[-1] == '2':
            user_list = ['exemple.com/user4', 'exemple.com/user5', 'exemple.com/user6']
            user_list = ['exemple.com/user7', 'exemple.com/user8', 'exemple.com/user9']

        print(f'async def process_user_list: Extracted {user_list} from {table}')

    # Execute process_user in parallel, but do so outside the `async with`
    # because process_user will also need the semaphore, and we don't need
    # it any more since we're done with fetching HTML.
    coros = [process_user(user, limit) for user in user_list]
    await asyncio.gather(*coros)

async def process_user(user, limit):
    async with limit:
        # Simulate HTML request and extracting urls to populate user_subcat_list
        await randsleep(user)
        user_subcat_list = [user + '/profile', user + '/info', user + '/followers']
        print(f'async def process_user: Extracted {user_subcat_list} from {user}')

    coros = [process_subcat(subcat, limit) for subcat in user_subcat_list]
    await asyncio.gather(*coros)

async def process_subcat(subcat, limit):
    async with limit:
        # Simulate HTML request and extracting content
        await randsleep(subcat)
        print(f'async def process_subcat: Extracted content from {subcat}')

if __name__ == '__main__':

标签: pythonweb-scrapingpython-asynciopython-3.7



def process_urls(url_list):
    for table in url_list:

def process_user_list(table):
    # Get HTML, extract user_list
    for user in user_list:

def process_user(user):
    # Get HTML, extract user_subcat_list
    for subcat in user_subcat_list:

def process_subcat(subcat):
    # get HTML, extract content

if __name__ == '__main__':


async def process_urls(url_list):
    for table in url_list:
        await process_user_list(table)

这是异步的,因为它在事件循环中运行,您可以并行运行多个这样的函数(我们将很快展示如何执行),但它也是顺序的,因为它选择await每次调用process_user_list. 在每次循环迭代中,await显式指示 asyncio 暂停执行 of,process_urls直到结果process_user_list可用为止。

相反,我们想要的是告诉 asyncioprocess_user_list并行运行所有调用,并暂停执行process_urls直到它们全部完成。在“后台”中生成协程的基本原语是将其调度为使用的任务asyncio.create_task,这是最接近轻量级线程的异步等效项。使用create_task并行版本process_urls看起来像这样:

async def process_urls(url_list):
    # spawn a task for each table
    tasks = []
    for table in url_list:
    # The tasks are now all spawned, so awaiting one task lets
    # them all run.
    for task in tasks:
        await task

乍一看,第二个循环看起来像以前版本一样按顺序等待任务,但事实并非如此。由于每个都await暂停到事件循环,等待任何任务允许所有任务进行,只要它们事先使用create_task(). 无论他们完成的顺序如何,总等待时间都不会超过最长任务的时间。

这种模式经常被使用,以至于 asyncio 有一个专门的实用程序函数asyncio.gather。使用此函数,相同的代码可以用更短的版本表示:

async def process_urls(url_list):
    coros = [process_user_list(table) for table in url_list]
    await asyncio.gather(*coros)

但是还有另一件事需要注意:因为process_user_list将从服务器获取 HTML,并且将有许多并行运行的实例,我们不能允许它通过数百个同时连接来锤击服务器。我们可以创建一个工作任务池和某种队列,但是 asyncio 提供了一个更优雅的解决方案:信号量。Semaphore 是一种同步设备,它不允许超过预定数量的并行激活,使其余部分排队等待。

的最终版本process_urls会创建一个信号量并将其传递下去。它不会激活信号量,因为process_urls它本身实际上并没有获取任何 HTML,因此它没有理由在process_user_lists 运行时保持信号量槽。

async def process_urls(url_list):
    limit = asyncio.Semaphore(5)
    coros = [process_user_list(table, limit) for table in url_list]
    await asyncio.gather(*coros)

process_user_list看起来很相似,但它确实需要使用以下方法激活信号量async with

async def process_user_list(table, limit):
    async with limit:
        # Get HTML using aiohttp, extract user_list

    # Execute process_user in parallel, but do so outside the `async with`
    # because process_user will also need the semaphore, and we don't need
    # it any more since we're done with fetching HTML.
    coros = [process_user(user, limit) for user in user_list]
    await asyncio.gather(*coros)


async def process_user(user, limit):
    async with limit:
        # Get HTML, extract user_subcat_list
    coros = [process_subcat(subcat, limit) for subcat in user_subcat_list]
    await asyncio.gather(*coros)

def process_subcat(subcat, limit):
    async with limit:
        # get HTML, extract content
    # do something with content

if __name__ == '__main__':

在实践中,您可能希望异步函数共享相同的 aiohttp 会话,因此您可能会在顶级函数(process_urls在您的情况下)中创建它并将其与信号量一起传递。每个获取 HTML 的函数都会有另一个async with用于 aiohttp 请求/响应的函数,例如:

async with limit:
    async with session.get(url, params...) as resp:
        # get HTML data here
        resp = await resp.read()
# extract content from HTML data here

两个async withs 可以合并为一个,减少缩进但保持相同的含义:

async with limit, session.get(url, params...) as resp:
    # get HTML data here
    resp = await resp.read()
# extract content from HTML data here
