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I am trying to better understand what exactly happens when, for example, the V8 engine parses code and defines an execution context for a function.

What most JS courses and books typically discuss is what happens during a "creation phase" and an "execution phase". The language used for JS engines is different: pre-parsing, parsing, AST, baseline and optimized compiling.

My understanding based on my reading so far, although I may be very wrong, is that the "creation phase" is the same as pre-parsing the source code, where the parser does the bare minimum in terms of variable and function declaration so that the code can run. For example, it would not attempt to build an AST for a function before it is invoked in the code. When a function is invoked from the global scope, it will then be pre-parsed (creation phase) and then fully parsed (execution phase). A new execution context with lexical environment, etc. will be created during pre-parsing. This process would then be repeated for each nested function.

Question 1: Are my assumptions correct? Is pre-parsing===creating phase. Question 2: This is the bit that I am mostly unclear about. Does pre-parsing create a function object for a function that is not yet invoked. Is the function object shown in Chrome dev tools at the debugger below, actually created based on pre-parsing alone. Are the argument and caller properties then just updated during the subsequent execution phase.

let fun1 = function(name){
    let newname="Tom";
    console.log(name, newname);

//fun1 function as it appears in the dev tools before it is invoked (and presumably before it is added to the execution stack) Script fun1: ƒ (name) arguments: null caller: null length: 1 name: "fun1" prototype: {constructor: ƒ} proto: ƒ ()

//fun1 function after it is invoked and added to the execution stack. Local name: "John" newname: undefined this: Window Script fun1: ƒ (name) arguments: Arguments ["John", callee: ƒ, Symbol(Symbol.iterator): ƒ] caller: null length: 1 name: "fun1" prototype: {constructor: ƒ} proto: ƒ ()

标签: javascriptparsingv8


大多数 JS 课程和书籍通常讨论的是......

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预解析是(部分)完全可选的性能增强实施策略。如果需要,您可以将其关闭 - 事情会变慢,但可观察到的行为将是相同的。基本思想是引擎将“懒惰地”生成代码,即第一次调用函数时(因为预先“急切地”生成所有代码会导致启动缓慢)。为了能够做到这一点,它必须解决“这里有几百千字节的JS代码,function fun1请编译”的问题,所以它必须知道“fun1”在哪里。这就是“预解析”步骤生成的信息:它基本上创建了一个索引映射函数名称到源文本中定义相应函数的位置。

(作为另一种完全可选的性能增强实现策略,现代引擎对内部变量表示/分配做出了复杂的选择,为了产生正确的行为,需要预先解析以生成有关从其他函数引用的变量的附加数据;所以如果你看在实现中,您会发现它比识别function <name> { ... }范围要复杂得多。您是正确的,预解析不会构建 AST,但出于这个原因它确实构建了范围链。)



