首页 > 解决方案 > GitHub fork a forked repository


Does anyone know how to fork a forked repository on GitHub?

what I'm trying to achieve is to fork the updated repository from a user that forked the original repository and maintained it.


Original repository and abandoned repository

Forked repository from another user who maintained it

Now, I want to fork the smith/some-random-stuff and not the john/some-random-stuff.

So now in my profile it'll show forked from smith/some-random-stuff

Edit: when I click the fork on smith/some-random-stuff it still forking the original repo which is john/some-random-stuff

标签: githubrepository


只需单击分叉存储库的 GitHub 页面上的Fork按钮,就会为您创建一个分叉存储库的分叉。如果您将鼠标悬停在 fork 页面上的Fork按钮上smith/some-random-stuff,它将显示

将您自己的 smith/some-random-stuff 副本分叉到您的帐户

