首页 > 解决方案 > 在 Java 中是否可以在不使用关键字“implements”的情况下实现接口及其方法?


我有功课要做(实际上是我的女朋友:-D),我能做什么和不能做什么有一些限制。在我的 NetBeans 项目文件夹中有两个名为“interfaces”和“homework”的文件夹。文件夹“interfaces”包含不允许编辑的接口和类,因为对我们说 xD。我只被允许编辑“作业”文件夹中的源文本。

通常,我知道用关键字“implements”在 Java 中实现接口。但是我不知道如何在“homework”文件夹中使用它,因为“interfaces”文件夹已经包含了实现接口的方法和逻辑的类,但是我不允许编辑它们。



“TextAdventure”界面,您必须实现的方法,允许您创建文本冒险游戏。在“作业”包中,您将找到一个使用 TextAdventure 接口初始化各种游戏的 Main 类。在成功实现所期望的接口后,您可以玩该游戏。游戏场景旨在帮助您广泛测试您的代码。Interface Player 的所有方法都可用于与游戏交互。还要看一下 GameStarter 类。在此,实现了与玩家的交互。

TextAdventure 界面提供了各种创建新游戏的方法。对于每种方法,请考虑它可能失败的情况。在这种情况下,抛出 TextAdventureException。这也在“interfaces”包中提供给您。一旦建立了所需的初始状态,就可以使用“startGame()”开始游戏。


package interfaces;

import homework.Factory;

 * Class with text adventure scenarios to play.
public class Adventures {

     * Initialize the fireman-game.
     * @return the fireman-game
     * @throws TextAdventureException
    public static interfaces.TextAdventure getFiremanGame() throws TextAdventureException {
        interfaces.TextAdventure textAdventure = Factory.getGame("Sample1", 2, 2);
        textAdventure.addSceneryType("BurningTree", "A blazing fire on an oak tree.");
        textAdventure.addSceneryType("HalfBurningTree", "A little fire on an oak tree.");
        textAdventure.addItemType("Bucket", "An empty bucket.");
        textAdventure.addItemType("Water", "A bucket full of water.");
        textAdventure.addItemType("Head", "Kopf");
        textAdventure.addItemType("Headweh", "Jetzt brummt de kopf");
        textAdventure.addSceneryType("Lake", "A beautiful lake.");
        textAdventure.addSceneryType("CharredOak", "A poor, charred oak tree.");
        textAdventure.addTransformation("Bucket", "Lake", "Water", "Lake",
                "Now you got a bucket full of water.");
        textAdventure.addTransformation("Water", "BurningTree", "HalfBurningTree", "Bucket",
                "The water quenches the fire. But not completely.");
        textAdventure.addTransformation("Water", "HalfBurningTree", "CharredOak", "Bucket",
                "The water quenches the fire.");
        textAdventure.addComposition("Bucket", "Head", "Headweh", "Kopfwehh");
        textAdventure.placeItem("Lake", 0, 0);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Bucket", 1, 1);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Head", 1, 1);
        textAdventure.placeItem("BurningTree", 0, 0);
        return textAdventure;

     * Initialize the lumberjack-game.
     * @return The lumberjack-game
     * @throws TextAdventureException
    public static interfaces.TextAdventure getLumberjackGame() throws TextAdventureException {
        interfaces.TextAdventure textAdventure = Factory.getGame("Sample2", 1, 1);
        textAdventure.addSceneryType("Tree", "A lush green tree.");
        textAdventure.addItemType("Wood", "Some pieces of wood");
        textAdventure.addSceneryType("Roots", "The sad roots of a former tree.");
        textAdventure.addDecomposition("Tree", "Wood", "Roots", "You fell the tree and get some wood.");
        textAdventure.placeItem("Tree", 0, 0);
        return textAdventure;

     * Initialize the pokemon-game.
     * @return the pokemon-game
     * @throws TextAdventureException
    public static interfaces.TextAdventure getPokemonGame() throws TextAdventureException {
        TextAdventure textAdventure = Factory.getGame("Pokemon", 50, 50);

        textAdventure.addItemType("Coin", "One coin");
        textAdventure.addItemType("Money", "Many coins");
        textAdventure.addItemType("Bisasam", "Look, a wild Bisasam.");
        textAdventure.addItemType("Glumanda", "Look, a wild Glumanda.");
        textAdventure.addItemType("Schiggy", "Look, a wild Schiggy.");
        textAdventure.addItemType("Bisaknosp", "Bisaknosp eats plants.");
        textAdventure.addItemType("Glutexo", "Glutexo burns.");
        textAdventure.addItemType("Schillok", "Schillok swimming around.");
        textAdventure.addItemType("Bisaflor", "Bisaflor eats plants.");
        textAdventure.addItemType("Glurak", "Glurak burns.");
        textAdventure.addItemType("Turtok", "Turtok swimming around.");
        textAdventure.addItemType("Taubsi", "Taubsi flying around.");
        textAdventure.addItemType("Tauboga", "Tauboga flying around.");
        textAdventure.addItemType("Tauboss", "Tauboss flying around.");
        textAdventure.addItemType("Mewtu", "Mewtu sees dead people.");
                "The Developmentstone brings your Pokemon to the next Level.");
                "The Attackstone is in combination with your Pokemon to attack other Pokemons.");
                "Pokeball is there to catch other Pokemons.");
        textAdventure.addSceneryType("Wildtaubsi", "Look, a wild Taubsi.");
        textAdventure.addSceneryType("Deadtaubsi", "Look, a dead Taubsi.");
        textAdventure.addSceneryType("Silvertreasure", "Look, a Treasure.");
        textAdventure.addSceneryType("Goldtreasure", "Look, a Treasure.");
        textAdventure.placeItem("Coin", 0, 0);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Bisasam", 0, 0);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Glumanda", 0, 0);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Schiggy", 0, 0);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Developmentstone", 2, 4);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Developmentstone", 25, 31);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Developmentstone", 49, 11);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Developmentstone", 22, 22);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Developmentstone", 11, 44);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Developmentstone", 23, 43);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Developmentstone", 39, 1);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Developmentstone", 22, 21);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Developmentstone", 45, 30);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Developmentstone", 10, 12);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Developmentstone", 23, 1);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Developmentstone", 49, 49);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Developmentstone", 17, 15);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Attackstone", 1, 1);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Attackstone", 10, 10);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Attackstone", 20, 20);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Attackstone", 30, 30);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Attackstone", 4, 5);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Attackstone", 10, 2);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Attackstone", 23, 44);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Attackstone", 30, 35);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Pokeball", 1, 1);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Pokeball", 3, 22);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Pokeball", 17, 21);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Pokeball", 33, 13);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Pokeball", 45, 22);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Pokeball", 21, 13);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Pokeball", 19, 41);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Pokeball", 12, 32);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Wildtaubsi", 2, 2);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Wildtaubsi", 23, 24);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Wildtaubsi", 11, 7);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Wildtaubsi", 3, 9);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Wildtaubsi", 32, 45);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Wildtaubsi", 31, 29);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Wildtaubsi", 17, 31);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Wildtaubsi", 45, 45);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Wildtaubsi", 18, 32);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Wildtaubsi", 26, 42);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Wildtaubsi", 42, 26);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Wildtaubsi", 17, 49);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Wildtaubsi", 11, 22);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Wildtaubsi", 36, 39);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Wildtaubsi", 31, 24);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Silvertreasure", 2, 3);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Silvertreasure", 32, 33);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Silvertreasure", 14, 13);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Silvertreasure", 47, 11);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Silvertreasure", 12, 34);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Silvertreasure", 21, 33);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Silvertreasure", 43, 21);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Silvertreasure", 49, 3);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Silvertreasure", 12, 49);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Silvertreasure", 41, 34);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Silvertreasure", 12, 33);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Silvertreasure", 22, 34);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Silvertreasure", 1, 40);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Silvertreasure", 19, 28);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Silvertreasure", 45, 32);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Silvertreasure", 21, 23);
        textAdventure.placeItem("Goldtreasure", 33, 34);
        textAdventure.addComposition("Coin", "Coin", "Money", "You made money");
        textAdventure.addComposition("Bisasam", "Developmentstone", "Bisaknosp",
                "Look your Bisasam has developed to Bisaknosp.");
        textAdventure.addComposition("Glumanda", "Developmentstone", "Glutexo",
                "Look your Glumanda has developed to Glutexo.");
        textAdventure.addComposition("Schiggy", "Developmentstone", "Schillok",
                "Look your Schiggy has developed to Schillok.");
        textAdventure.addComposition("Taubsi", "Developmentstone", "Tauboga",
                "Look your Taubsi has developed to Tauboga");
        textAdventure.addComposition("Bisaknosp", "Developmentstone", "Bisaflor",
                "Look your Bisaknosp has developed to Bisaflor");
        textAdventure.addComposition("Glutexo", "Developmentstone", "Glurak",
                "Look your Glutexo has developed to Glurak");
        textAdventure.addComposition("Schillok", "Developmentstone", "Turtok",
                "Look your Schillok has developed to Turtok");
        textAdventure.addComposition("Tauboga", "Developmentstone", "Tauboss",
                "Look your Tauboga has developed to Tauboss");
        textAdventure.addComposition("Wildtaubsi", "Attackstone", "Deadtaubsi",
                "Your Pokemon attacks the wild Taubsi. Taubsi is dead.");
        textAdventure.addComposition("Wildtaubsi", "Pokeball", "Taubsi",
                "You have catch Taubsi. Congratulations, Taubsi is your new Pokemon.");
        textAdventure.addDecomposition("Silvertreasure", "Developmentstone",
                "You open the treasure and you find an Attack- and Developmentstone.");
        textAdventure.addDecomposition("Goldtreasure", "Pokeball", "Mewtu",
                "See, you find the unique Mewtu.");
        textAdventure.addTransformation("Taubsi", "Attackstone", "Taubsi",
                "Look, your Taubsi transform the Attackstone to a Developmentstone.");
        textAdventure.addTransformation("Tauboga", "Attackstone", "Tauboga",
                "Look, your Tauboga transform the Attackstone to a Developmentstone.");
        textAdventure.addTransformation("Tauboss", "Attackstone", "Tauboss",
                "Look, your Tauboss transform the Attackstone to a Developmentstone.");
        textAdventure.addTransformation("Mewtu", "Developmentstone", "Mewtu",
                "Look, your Mewtu transform the Developmentstone to a Attackstone.");
        textAdventure.addTransformation("Bisasam", "Attackstone", "Bisasam",
                "Look, your Bisasam transform the Attackstone to a Pokeball.");
        textAdventure.addTransformation("Bisaknosp", "Attackstone", "Bisaknosp",
                "Look, your Bisaknosp transform the Attackstone to a Pokeball.");
        textAdventure.addTransformation("Bisaflor", "Attackstone", "Bisaflor",
                "Look, your Bisaflor transform the Attackstone to a Pokeball.");
        textAdventure.addTransformation("Glumanda", "Pokeball", "Glumanda",
                "Look, your Glumanda transform the Pokeball to a Developmentstone.");
        textAdventure.addTransformation("Glutexo", "Pokeball", "Glutexo",
                "Look, your Glutexo transform the Pokeball to a Developmentstone.");
        textAdventure.addTransformation("Glurak", "Pokeball", "Glurak",
                "Look, your Glurak transform the Pokeball to a Developmentstone.");
        textAdventure.addTransformation("Schiggy", "Pokeball", "Schiggy",
                "Look, your Schiggy transform the Pokeball to a Attackstone.");
        textAdventure.addTransformation("Schillok", "Pokeball", "Schillok",
                "Look, your Schillok transform the Pokeball to a Attackstone.");
        textAdventure.addTransformation("Turtok", "Pokeball", "Turtok",
                "Look, your Turtok transform the Pokeball to a Attackstone.");

        return textAdventure;

package interfaces;

import homework.Factory;

 * Class integrates the implementation of the student package and allows to play the text adventure scenarios.
public class GameStarter {

    private static final String PROMPT = "play>";
    private static Player player;
    private Terminal terminal;
    private TextAdventure[] games;

     * Constructor to create a GameStarter instance.
     * @param games array with text adventures games to play
    public GameStarter(TextAdventure[] games) {
        terminal = Factory.getTerminal();
        this.games = games;

     * Starts one of the given games.
    public void startGame() {
        String[] input;
        String prompt = "Play (";
        for (TextAdventure game : this.games) {
            prompt += game.getName();
            prompt += "|";
        prompt = prompt.substring(0, prompt.length() - 1) + ")";
        do {
            input = terminal.readInput();
        } while (input[0].equals("") || input[0].equals(" "));

        String gameName = input[0];
        for (TextAdventure game : this.games) {
            if (game.getName().equals(gameName)) {
                startGame(game, 0, 0);
        System.out.println("Unknown game scenario");


     * Starts a given game and runs a simple input-loop that accepts game-commands.
     * @param textAdventure to play
     * @param x coordinate of the player
     * @param y coordinate of the player
    public void startGame(TextAdventure textAdventure, int x, int y) {
        try {
            player = textAdventure.startGame(x, y);
        } catch (TextAdventureException e) {
        boolean run = true;
        while (run) {
            try {
                String[] input = terminal.readInput();
                run = processInput(input);
            } catch (TextAdventureException e) {

     * Process the given command-line, translate it into player-actions if possible.
     * @param input the splitted user input
     * @return false if the user wants to quit, true otherwise
     * @throws TextAdventureException If an invalid command is entered
    private static boolean processInput(String[] input) throws TextAdventureException {
        switch (input[0]) {
            case "go": {
                if (input.length < 2) {
                    System.out.println("Sorry, please specify a direction.");
                } else {
                return true;
            case "look": {
                String[] list = player.look();
                for (String line : list) {
                return true;
            case "inventory": {
                String[] list = player.inventory();
                for (String line : list) {
                return true;
            case "take": {
                if (input.length < 2) {
                    System.out.println("Sorry, please specify an object.");
                } else {
                return true;
            case "drop": {
                if (input.length < 2) {
                    System.out.println("Sorry, please specify an object.");
                } else {
                return true;
            case "convert": {
                if (input.length < 3) {
                    System.out.println("Sorry, please specify the objects to compose.");
                } else {
                    System.out.println(player.convert(input[1], input[2]));
                return true;
            case "decompose": {
                if (input.length < 2) {
                    System.out.println("Sorry, please specify an object.");
                } else {
                return true;
            case "help": {
                System.out.println("Valid Commands are: go, look, inventory, take, drop, compose, decompose");
                return true;
            case "exit": {
                return false;
            default: {
                throw new TextAdventureException("Unknown Command: " + input[0]);

package interfaces;

 * Models the interface of a text adventure player.
public interface Player {

     * Move the player's token into direction.
     * @param direction One of eight valid directions "N", "NE", "E", "SE", "S", "SW", "W", "NW"
     * @return A ui-message for the user
    String go(String direction);

     * Returns an array of objects on the current field.
     * @return An array of object-type and descriptions for the ui
    String[] look();
     * Returns an array of objects in the inventory.
     * @return An array of object-type and descriptions for the ui
    String[] inventory();

     * Removes an object of the given type from the current field and adds it to the inventory.
     * @param item An object-type
     * @return A ui-message for the user
    String take(String item);
     * Removes an object of the given type from the inventory and adds it to the current field.
     * @param item An object-type
     * @return A ui-message for the user
    String drop(String item);

     * Applies a transformation- or composition-rule to item1 and item2. 
     * If possible, removes item1 and item2 from the current field or inventory 
     * and adds the mutation-result to the current field or inventory,
     * depending on the object's base-type (scenery or item). 
     * @param item1 An Object-Type
     * @param item2 An Object-Type
     * @return A ui-message for the user
    String convert(String item1, String item2);
     * Applies a decomposition-rule to item. 
     * If possible, removes item from the current field or inventory 
     * and adds the mutation-result to the current field or inventory,
     * depending on the object's base-type (scenery or item). 
     * @param item An Object-Type
     * @return A ui-message for the user
    String decompose(String item);

package interfaces;

 * Models the interface of terminal to interact with a player.
public interface Terminal {

     * Prompts the user to enter a string as input. The string is printed to the standard output (terminal).
     * @param input the message to display the player
    public void promptInput(String input);

     * Reads the user input and returns splitted at spaces as string array.
     * @return splitted user input string
    public String[] readInput();


package interfaces;

 * Models the interface of a text adventure game-instance.
public interface TextAdventure {

     * Declares a new portable object-type with given id and description.
     * @param id The id object-type, used in the ui to search for objects
     * @param description The description of the object-type
     * @throws TextAdventureException Think about the cases in which an exception is useful and implement it.
    void addItemType(String id, String description) throws TextAdventureException;
     * Declares a new non-portable object-type with given id and description.
     * @param id The id object-type, used in the ui to search for objects
     * @param description The description of the object-type
     * @throws TextAdventureException Think about the cases in which an exception is useful and implement it.
    void addSceneryType(String id, String description) throws TextAdventureException;

     * Adds a new object of the given type to the field at the specified position.
     * @param type The id of an object-type
     * @param x A field coordinate on the board
     * @param y A field coordinate on the board
     * @throws TextAdventureException Think about the cases in which an exception is useful and implement it.
    void placeItem(String type, int x, int y) throws TextAdventureException;

     * Adds a new composition-rule to the set of mutation-rules.
     * @param in1 Object-type id of the input-object
     * @param in2 Object-type id of the input-object
     * @param out Object-type id of the output-object
     * @param description Mutation-description for the ui
     * @throws TextAdventureException Think about the cases in which an exception is useful and implement it.
    void addComposition(String in1, String in2, String out, String description) throws TextAdventureException;
     * Adds a new decomposition-rule to the set of mutation-rules.
     * @param in Object-type id of the input-object
     * @param out1 Object-type id of the output-object
     * @param out2 Object-type id of the output-object
     * @param description Mutation-description for the ui
     * @throws TextAdventureException Think about the cases in which an exception is useful and implement it.
    void addDecomposition(String in, String out1, String out2, String description) throws TextAdventureException;
     * Adds a new transformation-rule to the set of mutation-rules.
     * @param in1 in1 Object-type id of the input-object
     * @param in2 in1 Object-type id of the input-object
     * @param out1 Object-type id of the output-object
     * @param out2 Object-type id of the output-object
     * @param description Mutation-description for the ui
     * @throws TextAdventureException Think about the cases in which an exception is useful and implement it.
    void addTransformation(String in1, String in2, String out1, String out2, String description)
            throws TextAdventureException;

     * Initializes a new game instance and returns a player-instance for game-control. 
     * The player's initial position is at the given coordinates
     * @param x A field coordinate on the board
     * @param y A field coordinate on the board
     * @return A player-instance for game-control
     * @throws TextAdventureException Think about the cases in which an exception is useful and implement it.
    Player startGame(int x, int y) throws TextAdventureException;

     * Returns the name of the game instance.
     * @return the name of the game instance
    String getName();

package interfaces;

 * General Exception-type of the text adventure framework.
public class TextAdventureException extends Exception {

     * Exception Prefix.
    public static final String ERROR = "Error! ";

     * Creates a new TextAdventureException with the given message.
     * @param message The error-message
    public TextAdventureException(String message) {
        super(ERROR + message);

package homework;

 * Factory class with functions to generate a game and terminal.
public final class Factory {
    private Factory() { }
    public static interfaces.TextAdventure getGame(String name, int boardWidth, int boardHeight)
            throws interfaces.TextAdventureException {
        return null;

     * Creates a new terminal-instance to read user input and prompt messages.
     * @return a terminal instance
    public static interfaces.Terminal getTerminal() {
        return null;


public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
        // Add additional games to the Array
        TextAdventure[] games = {
                Adventures.getFiremanGame(), Adventures.getLumberjackGame(), Adventures.getPokemonGame()
        GameStarter starter = new GameStarter(games);
    } catch (TextAdventureException e) {



标签: javainterface


您可以实现接口 X 声明的所有方法,而无需编写“实现 X”。但这真的很荒谬。您希望 Java 编译器了解您的新类实现了 X。为此,您需要在类定义的签名上使用该关键字。

可以考虑扩展一个已经实现接口的类,那么您不必重复关键字“实现 X”。但这实际上只是在源代码中不使用该关键字。

