首页 > 解决方案 > Pandas 计算多列中的匹配项


我有一个数据框,其中的列来自A - Z. 值为0,1 or NA。我需要迭代地比较列Aand NA等等O,直到Z,然后循环返回以开始比较Band NBand O,然后C再次开始比较。我只需要1比较两列中出现的行数。我该如何做到这一点?

标签: pythonpandasiteratorcomparison


使用 SQL 可以更轻松地进行集合操作,因此下面的示例使用 pandasql 进行您要求的比较:

import pandas as pd
import pandasql as ps
import string

# Create a string consisting of the letters in the English alphabet in alphabetical order
alphabet_string = string.ascii_uppercase


# Create a list of data
data = []

# To approximate your data, use the value 0, 1, and None (~null) for each column
data.append([0] * len(alphabet_string))
data.append([1] * len(alphabet_string))
data.append([None] * len(alphabet_string))

# Create the pandas DataFrame  
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = [letter for letter in alphabet_string]) 

# Create a list of the letters from A to N
a_to_n = [letter for letter in alphabet_string if letter < "O"]


# And N to O
n_to_o = [letter for letter in alphabet_string if letter > "M"]


# Then perform the comparison in a nested loop over the two lists
for ll in a_to_n:
    for rl in n_to_o:
        cnt = ps.sqldf(f"select count(*) cnt from df where {ll} = 1 and {rl} = 1")["cnt"].iloc[0]
        print(f"Comparing {ll} to {rl}, there were {cnt} rows where the values matched.")


Comparing N to U, there were 1 rows where the values matched.
Comparing N to V, there were 1 rows where the values matched.
Comparing N to W, there were 1 rows where the values matched.
Comparing N to X, there were 1 rows where the values matched.
Comparing N to Y, there were 1 rows where the values matched.
Comparing N to Z, there were 1 rows where the values matched.
