首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 lapply 和 tryCatch 只返回一条记录,而不是多条


我还是 R 新手,我正在尝试使用 lapply 和 tryCatch 通过 pro-football-reference 站点访问数据,但我在下面使用的代码仅返回 1 个表。

我想获取所有存在的记录。某些 URL 将不存在,这就是我使用 tryCatch 跳过这些的原因。这是我的尝试:


#create a master dataframe to store all of the results
complete <- data.frame()

datesVector <- c("201909080", "201909050")
teamsVector <- c("chi", "crd", "car")

  for (i in 1:length(datesVector)) {
  for (j in 1:length(teamsVector)) {
    # create a url template 
    URL.base <- "http://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/"
    URL.end <- ".htm"
    #create the dataframe with the dynamic values
    URL <- paste0(URL.base, datesVector[i], teamsVector[j], URL.end)
       dfList <- lapply(URL, function(i) {
        webpage <- read_html(i)
        draft_table <- html_nodes(webpage, 'table')
        draft <- html_table(draft_table)[[3]]
    }, error = function(e) print(URL)
    complete <- do.call(rbind, dfList) 


但是下面的代码只返回 22 个观察值,来自这个链接:


事实上,存在另一个页面(因此应该返回数据),即另外 22 个观察点:




标签: rweb-scrapingrvest




combos <- expand.grid(team = teamsVector, date = datesVector)
urls <- paste0(URL.base, combos$date, combos$team, URL.end)

output <- urls %>% 
  map(possibly(read_html, otherwise = NA_character_)) %>%
  discard(is.character) %>%
  map(function(html) html_nodes(html, 'table') %>% html_table) %>%
  pluck(3) %>%
  map_dfr(function(data) {
    col_lvl1 <- colnames(data)
    col_lvl2 <- data[1, ] %>% unname
    actual_data <- data[2:nrow(data), ] %>% unname
    col_multi_lvl <- paste(col_lvl1, col_lvl2, sep = "_")
    colnames(actual_data) <- col_multi_lvl
    return(actual_data %>% as_tibble(.name_repair = make.names))
  }) %>% 
  filter(str_detect(Passing_Cmp, "Passing|Cmp", negate = TRUE)) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(-starts_with("X_")), as.numeric)


output %>% head(15)
# A tibble: 15 x 22
   X_Player X_Tm  Passing_Cmp Passing_Att Passing_Yds...5 Passing_TD Passing_Int Passing_Sk Passing_Yds...9
   <chr>    <chr>       <dbl>       <dbl>           <dbl>      <dbl>       <dbl>      <dbl>           <dbl>
 1 Matthew… DET            27          45             385          3           0          3              24
 2 Kerryon… DET             0           0               0          0           0          0               0
 3 C.J. An… DET             0           0               0          0           0          0               0
 4 Ty John… DET             0           0               0          0           0          0               0
 5 Marvin … DET             0           0               0          0           0          0               0
 6 T.J. Ho… DET             0           0               0          0           0          0               0
 7 Danny A… DET             0           0               0          0           0          0               0
 8 Kenny G… DET             0           0               0          0           0          0               0
 9 J.D. Mc… DET             0           0               0          0           0          0               0
10 Jesse J… DET             0           0               0          0           0          0               0
11 Nick Ba… DET             0           0               0          0           0          0               0
12 Kyler M… ARI            29          54             308          2           1          5              33
13 David J… ARI             0           0               0          0           0          0               0
14 Christi… ARI             0           0               0          0           0          0               0
15 Chase E… ARI             0           0               0          0           0          0               0
# … with 13 more variables: Passing_Lng <dbl>, Passing_Rate <dbl>, Rushing_Att <dbl>, Rushing_Yds <dbl>,
#   Rushing_TD <dbl>, Rushing_Lng <dbl>, Receiving_Tgt <dbl>, Receiving_Rec <dbl>, Receiving_Yds <dbl>,
#   Receiving_TD <dbl>, Receiving_Lng <dbl>, Fumbles_Fmb <dbl>, Fumbles_FL <dbl>

我知道这并不能完全回答你的问题,“我做错了什么?” - 我开始解决您方法中的问题,并且遇到了足够多的障碍,因此我觉得提出一个可行的解决方案并清楚地注释它可能会更容易。希望这将使您更容易了解所涉及的各种挑战,并让您对最初的尝试有所了解。

首先,要处理死 URL 的问题,我建议使用safely()or possibly()。它们是不错的tryCatch风格包装器,可为您提供如何发现错误的选项,而且它们具有直观的语法。因此,您可以从构建您感兴趣的所有 URL 的列表开始:

combos <- expand.grid(team=teamsVector, date=datesVector)
urls <- paste0(URL.base, combos$date, combos$team, URL.end)

[1] "http://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/201909080chi.htm"
[2] "http://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/201909080crd.htm"
[3] "http://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/201909080car.htm"
[4] "http://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/201909050chi.htm"
[5] "http://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/201909050crd.htm"
[6] "http://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/201909050car.htm"

然后将其输入possibly-wrapped read_html(),使用map()

urls %>% 
  map(possibly(read_html, otherwise = NA_character_)) # throw NA if bad URL

错误的 URL 会产生一个NAtype 的值character,所以我们可以discard()返回字符条目(其他的都是一些 HTML 对象):

discard(is.character) %>%


map(function(html) html_nodes(html, 'table') %>% html_table) %>%
  pluck(3) %>%

这些表的一个棘手之处在于它们具有多索引列 - 顶部列包含“通过”或“接收”等类别,而子列指定统计信息(“TD”、“Int”等)。将 R 放入数据框中并不容易,因为它需要一组列名,而不是两个。这需要一些黑客攻击。我选择提取列和子列名称并将它们与下划线结合起来(例如“Passing_TD”):

# note: map_dfr just specifies a data frame output, joined row-wise
map_dfr(function(data) {
    col_lvl1 <- colnames(data)
    col_lvl2 <- data[1, ] %>% unname
    actual_data <- data[2:nrow(data), ] %>% unname
    col_multi_lvl <- paste(col_lvl1, col_lvl2, sep = "_")
    colnames(actual_data) <- col_multi_lvl
    return(actual_data %>% as_tibble(.name_repair = make.names))
  }) %>% 


  filter(str_detect(Passing_Cmp, "Passing|Cmp", negate = TRUE)) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(-starts_with("X_")), as.numeric) 
