首页 > 解决方案 > Azerothcore - Autobalance DungeonScaleDownXP 为单人玩家添加额外检查



#     AutoBalance.DungeonScaleDownXP
#        Decrease individual player's amount of XP gained during a dungeon to match the
#        amount of XP gained during a full group run. Example: In a 5-man group, you
#        earn 1/5 of the total XP per kill, but if you solo the dungeon with
#        AutoBalance.DungeonScaleDownXP = 0, you will earn 5/5 of the total XP.
#        With the option enabled, you will earn 1/5.
#        Default:     0 (1 = ON, 0 = OFF)

AutoBalance.DungeonScaleDownXP = 0

但我想为单人玩家稍微修改一下。我想让他们获得 2.5 倍的 XP。但如果是两个或更多的一组,则使用正常的缩小版 XP。我相信这是我需要修改的部分:

void OnGiveXP(Player* player, uint32& amount, Unit* victim) override
  if (victim && DungeonScaleDownXP)
    Map* map = player->GetMap();

    if (map->IsDungeon())
      // Ensure that the players always get the same XP, even when entering the dungeon alone
      uint32 maxPlayerCount = ((InstanceMap*)sMapMgr->FindMap(map->GetId(), map->GetInstanceId()))->GetMaxPlayers();
      uint32 currentPlayerCount = map->GetPlayersCountExceptGMs();
      amount *= (float)currentPlayerCount / maxPlayerCount;


标签: azerothcore


最终想出了一个解决方案。首先,我在 conf 中添加了一个新选项:

#     AutoBalance.DungeonScaleDownXP.rate.solo
#        Set individual player's amount of XP gained during a dungeon run.
#        AutoBalance.DungeonScaleDownXP = 1 you will earn 1/5 of the total XP as a solo player
#        modifying this rate with allow you to set how much XP a solo player will receive 
#        Default:     1.0

AutoBalance.DungeonScaleDownXP.rate.solo = 1.0


static float globalRate, healthMultiplier, manaMultiplier, armorMultiplier, damageMultiplier, MinHPModifier, MinManaModifier, MinDamageModifier, DungeonScaleDownXPSoloRate,
InflectionPoint, InflectionPointRaid, InflectionPointRaid10M, InflectionPointRaid25M, InflectionPointHeroic, InflectionPointRaidHeroic, InflectionPointRaid10MHeroic, InflectionPointRaid25MHeroic, BossInflectionMult;


DungeonScaleDownXPSoloRate = sConfigMgr->GetFloatDefault("AutoBalance.DungeonScaleDownXP.rate.solo", 1.0f);

然后添加一个 if 来检查currentPlayerCount

void OnGiveXP(Player* player, uint32& amount, Unit* victim) override
            if (victim && DungeonScaleDownXP)
                Map* map = player->GetMap();

                if (map->IsDungeon())
                    // Ensure that the players always get the same XP, even when entering the dungeon alone
                    uint32 maxPlayerCount = ((InstanceMap*)sMapMgr->FindMap(map->GetId(), map->GetInstanceId()))->GetMaxPlayers();
                    uint32 currentPlayerCount = map->GetPlayersCountExceptGMs();
                    if (currentPlayerCount == 1)
                    amount *= (float)currentPlayerCount / maxPlayerCount * DungeonScaleDownXPSoloRate;
                    amount *= (float)currentPlayerCount / maxPlayerCount;

现在我可以在配置中调整 xp 速率。
