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How can I log all handled exceptions?

I want that whenever I catch an exception I should be able to log it

I want it to work globally and not that i should have to write it each time I catch

I tried subscribing to AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FirstChanceException and it did work but I did not have the full stack trace and it called multiple times for each exception (I don't know why)

I also tried wrapping my controller with ActionFilterAttribute like below and it worked on all exception from the controller only and not if the exception was caught in a service that was called from the controller

 public class ExceptionLoggingHandler : ActionFilterAttribute
    public override void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext)
        if(filterContext.Exception !=null)

标签: c#asp.netasp.net-mvcexceptionlogging


In ASP.NET MVC, you can add your filter as a global filter in the RegisterGlobalFilters method inside FilterConfig.cs. It should then catch all exceptions in all controller actions, and in any methods called from those actions - unless of course those methods already have catch blocks inside them which swallow the exception. In that case the caught exception (unless it's then re-thrown) will inevitably go undetected higher up the stack, which is, naturally, the whole point of catching exceptions.


public class FilterConfig
    public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters) { 
       filters.Add(new ExceptionLoggingHandler()); 

Also, your attribute should inherit from HandleErrorAttribute, not ActionFilterAttribute.

Something like this:

public class ExceptionLoggingHandler : HandleErrorAttribute 

    public ExceptionLoggingHandler() : base()

    public override void OnException(ExceptionContext context)
        context.ExceptionHandled = true;
        //.... continue to produce a suitable response

(In the .... area you can continue to develop the handler to log more sophisticated data, and return a suitable response, perhaps along the lines of this one (other examples are also available online.)
