首页 > 解决方案 > 我可以使用 Combobox 在字体查看器中更改大小和样式吗?


#大家好,我在 C# 中遇到了 Forms 的问题,我想制作一个字体查看器,实际上我想制作两个 Combobox 来更改“图形”并以其样式和特定的字体显示相同的字体名称第二个组合框的大小。主要问题是样式和大小不会改变。告诉我任何错误都会很酷:)这是我的代码。#

namespace CodeImage35
    class Visualizer : Form
        Label choose; 
        PictureBox picbox; //this is for the text 
        Graphics textm; //the text in PictureBox
        ComboBox fontsm; //font of the text
        ComboBox size; //size of the font
        String fonts; //I used this for get the fonts,maybe never is used

        public Visualizer() //Here is the UI
            this.Width = 600;
            this.Height = 300;
            this.Text = "Visualizer of fonts";

            choose = new Label();
            choose.Size = new Size(100, 20);
            choose.Location = new Point(20, 20);
            choose.Text = "Choose Font:";

            picbox = new PictureBox();
            picbox.Size = new Size(300, 200);
            picbox.Location = new Point(100,150);


            fontsm = new ComboBox();
            fontsm.Location = new Point(110, 20);
            fontsm.Size = new Size(350, 20);

            size = new ComboBox();
            size.Location = new Point(480, 20);
            size.Size = new Size(100, 20);

            System.Drawing.Text.InstalledFontCollection fonts = new InstalledFontCollection(); //this         
            //is for the fonts

            foreach ( FontFamily style in fonts.Families )//I add them in the combobox here

            for( int s = 1; s <= 50; size++ )
                size.Items.Add(s); //I add here the sizes from 1 to 50

            picbox.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(write_in_PictureBox);

        void write_in_PictureBox(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            String text2 = fontsm.Text;
            textm = e.Graphics;
            int x = 0;
            Int32.TryParse(size.Text, out x); //I tried with this function to make string to int for 
                                              //the parameter of "DrawString
            textm.DrawString( text2 , new Font( text2, x ), Brushes.Black, new Point(10, 10) );


    static class MainClass
        static void Main()
            Visualizer screen1 = new Visualizer(); 

标签: c#user-interface



for( int s = 1; s <= 50; size++ )
    size.Items.Add(s); //I add here the sizes from 1 to 50

要增加的正确变量是s。你也避免从 1 开始,这个值真的太小而无法渲染字体并欣赏结果。从6或8开始应该没问题。除此之外...

为了绘制一个字符串,基于两个组合框的输入,您必须处理SelectedValueChanged事件(或 SelectedIndexChanged)。当用户更改(选择)组合框中的值时,就会发生这些事件。

相反,PaintEventHandler 在绘制控件时发生。请参阅绘画事件

按照您的示例,您可以将 SelectedValueChanged 事件附加到绘制字符串的方法,就像您在write_in_PictureBox方法中所做的那样。

//put this at the end of the constructor method.
//The event will be triggered on both combobox, allowing the user to see the result of it's selection whatever combobox is edited
fontsm.SelectedValueChanged += (sender, args) => DrawFont();
size.SelectedValueChanged += (sender, args) => DrawFont();

//that's just a method to handle the event
private void DrawFont()
    using (var g = picbox.CreateGraphics()) //remember to always dispose a disposable resource
        //clear the area before draw the new string
        if (!Int32.TryParse(size.Text, out int x)) x = 12; //if no value is selected for size combobox, use 12 as default
        string text = fontsm.Text;
        g.DrawString(text, new Font(text, x), Brushes.Black, new Point(10, 10)); 

