首页 > 解决方案 > 如果我通过 slow.next 而不是 mid 为什么合并排序不起作用?


在合并排序的这段代码中,为什么可以在对 sortList 的递归调用中直接传递 mid 而不能传递 slow.next?在第 13 行中,传递 mid = slow.next 与直接传递 slow.next 有何不同?

class Solution:
    def sortList(self, head: ListNode) -> ListNode:
        if not head or not head.next:
            return head
        fast = head.next
        slow = head
        while fast and fast.next:
            fast = fast.next.next
            slow = slow.next
        mid = slow.next
        slow.next = None
        l = self.sortList(head)
        r = self.sortList(slow.next)##instead pass mid here, and it works.
        return self.merge(l,r)
    def merge(self, l, r):
        if not l or not r:
            return l or r
        if l.val > r.val:
            l, r = r, l
        # get the return node "head"
        head = pre = l
        l = l.next
        while l and r:
            if l.val < r.val:
                l = l.next
                nxt = pre.next
                pre.next = r
                tmp = r.next
                r.next = nxt
                r = tmp
            pre = pre.next
        # l and r at least one is None
        pre.next = l or r
        return head

标签: pythonpython-3.xrecursiondata-structuresmergesort



