首页 > 解决方案 > 编译我的脚本时,我使用 Visual & Installer 收到裁剪的警告输出


我正在使用最新版本的 Visual & Installer:

6>       Visual & Installer - Inno Setup Compiler (
6>       Copyright (c) 2012 - 2020 unSigned, s. r. o.  
6>       Visit http://www.visual-installer.com/ for more information. 
6>      ================================================


6>D:\My Programs\2019\MeetSchedAssist\Inno\MeetSchedAssist2019_v6.iss(1,1): warning : A message named "UninstallDisplayNameMarkCurrentUser" has not been defined for the "Romanian" language. Will use the English message from Default.isl.
6>D:\My Programs\2019\MeetSchedAssist\Inno\MeetSchedAssist2019_v6.iss(1,1): warning : such changes may not achieve what you are intending. See the "UsedUserAreasWarning" topic in help file for more information.
6>      Script compiled successfully in 25.402 seconds.



似乎不完整。如果我用 Inno Setup 6.0.5 编译它,我会得到以下构建输出:

Warning: A message named "UninstallDisplayNameMarkCurrentUser" has not been defined for the "Romanian" language. Will use the English message from Default.isl.
Warning: The [Setup] section directive "PrivilegesRequired" is set to "admin" but per-user areas (HKCU) are used by the script. Regardless of the version of Windows, if the installation is running in administrative install mode then you should be careful about making any per-user area changes: such changes may not achieve what you are intending. See the "UsedUserAreasWarning" topic in help file for more information.

正如你所看到的,这句话在 Inno Setup Compiler 中更加冗长:

[Setup] 部分指令“PrivilegesRequired”设置为“admin”,但脚本使用每用户区域 (HKCU)。无论 Windows 的版本如何,如果安装在管理安装模式下运行,那么您应该小心对每个用户区域进行任何更改:此类更改可能无法达到您的预期。有关详细信息,请参阅帮助文件中的“UsedUserAreasWarning”主题。


标签: inno-setupvisual-and-installer



此问题已在最新版本的 Visual & Installer(2020 年 11 月)中得到修复。
