首页 > 解决方案 > 内容内容显示为 json 对象,但无法获取值


我创建了两条记录,contentful并试图在我的 React-hooks 网站中获取内容丰富的内容。但是我无法获取title, description, image, shortDescription字段下的值: JSON 对象内的级别。我如何迭代并从中获取值?有人可以建议我解决这个问题。


         "title":"API testing using Postman",
         "shortDescription":"Cypress test to read a JSON file from Fixture folder.",
         "description":"Api testing using postman. This is useful for testers.\n\npm.test()\n\nApi testing using postman. This is useful for testers. \n",
         "title":"Cypress test to read a JSON file",
         "shortDescription":"Cypress test to read a JSON file from Fixture folder.",
         "description":"\nThis cy test is to read a JSON file from fixture folder. This cy test is to read a JSON file from fixture folder. This cy test is to read a JSON file from fixture folder. This cy test is to read a JSON file from fixture folder. This cy test is to read a JSON file from fixture folder. This cy test is to read a JSON file from fixture folder. \n\n> cy.get()\n\nThis cy test is to read a JSON file from fixture folder. This cy test is to read a JSON file from fixture folder. This cy test is to read a JSON file from fixture folder. \n",


const Home = () => {

const [blogArticles, setBlogArticles] = useState([]);

        async function fetchData() {
            const entry = await client.getEntries();


    <div className="container">
                            blogArticles.map(({ id, title, images, shortDescription, description}) => (
                                <div key={id} className="column-center">
                                   <article className="blogmaintile">
                                    <img className="blogImage" key={images} src={images} alt="myimage"</img> 
                                        <div className="blogtitle">
                                            <span key={title}>{title}</span>
                                    <p className="blogdescription" key={description}>{description}</p>
                                       <p className="blogdescription" key={shortDescription}>{shortDescription}</p>

                                        <section className="col2">
                                            <a href="">Read more {'>'}{'>'}</a>

export default Home;

标签: javascriptjsonreact-hooks



//using Destructuring 

blogArticles.map(({ sys: { id }, fields: { title, image, shortDescription, description } }) => {
    console.log(id, title, image, shortDescription, description)
    //to get the image id do: image.sys.id


blogArticles.map(article => {

    const id = article.id
    const title = article.fields.title
    const image_id = article.fields.image.id
    const shortDescription = article.fields.shortDescription
    const descreption = article.fields.description
    console.log(id, title, image_id, shortDescription, descreption)

这是您只需将基本 url 添加到图像以便它们显示的结果

