首页 > 解决方案 > 推送到 github 时我没有包含“起源”这个词


请参考git log我附在底部的

我在 ' listing-filters' 分支上工作并成功提交到 ' Minor css edits' 提交。

但是,我不小心错过了这个词origin并输入了“ git push listing-filters”,似乎这些提交被推送到HEAD -> listing-filters 而不是origin/listing-filters

必须将“子过滤器组件上的设计编辑”推送到 origin/listing-filters 分支,但在我的本地计算机上,所有内容都已应用,但这些提交并未推送到 origin/listing-filters 分支中的任何位置(即使来自 Github 的 GUI) .

nothing to commit在我的屏幕上显示“”。

谁能给我一些关于如何将 HEAD 分支合并到源分支的提示?

commit 83aef6716d8a2be6fa5195dd32cea9b4b5ebd1ad (HEAD -> listing-filters)
Author: Danny Rhee <dongyunrhee@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Sep 22 03:23:36 2020 -0700


commit d663f88868047423404a9578d271711ef90bd459
Author: Danny Rhee <dongyunrhee@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Sep 22 03:12:13 2020 -0700


commit 9cc3fe28dec09af1765d6df2c79634f4b1346051
Author: Danny Rhee <dongyunrhee@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Sep 22 03:11:55 2020 -0700

    Something went wrong? Commit dissappeared

commit 19dba0e67aef7d2e7abf4b3d34fce952cab29fc6
Author: Danny Rhee <dongyunrhee@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Sep 22 03:09:50 2020 -0700

    Design Edits on SubFilter Component

commit b13e6be2ddeb3c3fefa3de81effc318dd02ecd48 (origin/listing-filters, origin/d663f88)
Author: Danny Rhee <dongyunrhee@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Sep 22 01:23:51 2020 -0700

    Minor css edits

commit 5c72bd01d145b6a2baf6d82dca324aaa80f30c75
Author: Danny Rhee <dongyunrhee@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Sep 22 01:00:42 2020 -0700

    Bit of refactoring: SubFilter component can be refactored more

commit 5503ef4b59a15ffdb2c3647e4736231f60892fd4
Author: Danny Rhee <dongyunrhee@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Sep 22 00:38:23 2020 -0700

    Reseting button working fine

commit 32d77b249fa6bce6a156edcdfb28d7efbf360eb4
Author: Danny Rhee <dongyunrhee@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Sep 22 00:30:59 2020 -0700

    Chaning the property type being properly updated/rendered

标签: gitterminalhead



git push -u origin listing-filters


git branch -avv

如果是这样,下一次,一个简单的git push(不需要额外的参数)就足够了。
