首页 > 解决方案 > 不兼容的类型:int 不能转换为 T


我收到此错误,这是必要的代码。假设这里没有的方法正常工作。任何帮助都是极好的。(顺便说一句,我在 Ubuntu 中对文本文件进行编码)


BinarySearchTree.java:132:错误:不兼容的类型:int 无法转换为 T insert(y);^ 其中 T 是一个类型变量: T extends Comparable<? 在 BinarySearchTree 类中声明的 super T> 注意:一些消息已被简化;使用 -Xdiags:verbose 重新编译以获得完整的输出 1 错误


BinarySearchTree.java:132:错误:没有找到适合 insert(int) insert(y) 的方法;^ 方法 BinarySearchTree.insert(T) 不适用(参数不匹配;int 无法转换为 T)方法 BinarySearchTree.insert(T,BinaryNode) 不适用(实际和正式参数列表的长度不同)其中 T 是类型-变量:T 扩展 Comparable<? super T> 在类 BinarySearchTree 1 错误中声明


import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.LinkedList;

public class BinarySearchTree<T extends java.lang.Comparable<? super T>>

    private static class BinaryNode<T>
        private T element; // The data in the node
        private BinaryNode<T> left; // Left child
        private BinaryNode<T> right; // Right child

        // Constructors
        BinaryNode( T theElement )
            this( theElement, null, null );

        BinaryNode( T theElement, BinaryNode<T> lt, BinaryNode<T> rt )
            element = theElement;
            left = lt;
            right = rt;

    private BinaryNode<T> root; //root node of the tree

    // Constructor
    public BinarySearchTree( )
        root = null;

    * FUNCTION isEmpty: isEmpty *
    * checks if the tree is empty *
    * INPUT PARAMETERS: none *
    * none *
    * OUTPUT: boolean *
    * true if the tree is empty, false otherwise *
    public boolean isEmpty( )
        return root == null;

    private BinaryNode<T> findMin( BinaryNode<T> t )
        if( t == null )
            return null;
        else if( t.left == null )
            return t;
        return findMin( t.left );

    * FUNCTION insert: insert *
    * inserts an item into the tree *
    * x - the item to be added to the BST *
    * OUTPUT: none *
    * none *
    public void insert( T x )
        root = insert( x, root );

    * FUNCTION insert: insert helper method *
    * inserts an item into the tree *
    * INPUT PARAMETERS: x, t *
    * x - the item to be added to the BST, subtree to be inserted in *
    * OUTPUT: BinaryNode<T> *
    * node to be set *
    public  BinaryNode<T> insert( T x, BinaryNode<T> t )
        if( t == null )
            return new BinaryNode<T>( x, null, null );

        int compareResult = x.compareTo( t.element );

        if( compareResult < 0 )
            t.left = insert( x, t.left );
        else if( compareResult > 0 )
            t.right = insert( x, t.right );
        ; // Duplicate; do nothing
        return t;

    * FUNCTION insertList: Option 1 *
    * parses a string and insert the values contained in it *
    * csv - comma seperated list of integers *
    * OUTPUT: none *
    * none *
    public void insertList(String csv)
        String[] inputValues = csv.split(",") ; // Numbers are seperated by comma as instructed
        for (String x : inputValues)
            int y = Integer.parseInt(x);

标签: javagenerics


您有一个通用参数,因此在读取 CSV 时创建新树在逻辑上是正确的。

这也意味着insertList(...)应该变成静态的,现在像 BinarySearchTree<Integer> tree = BinarySearchTree.insertList(...)


    public static void insertList(String csv)
        String[] inputValues = csv.split(",") ; // Numbers are seperated by comma as instructed
        BinarySearchTree<Integer> tree = new BinarySearchTree<>();
        for (String x : inputValues)
            int y = Integer.parseInt(x);
