首页 > 解决方案 > 将属性从库存项目拉到 SO 行自定义字段


我对 Acumatica 中的自定义编程比较陌生,我有一个关于将属性值从库存项目屏幕拉入销售订单屏幕 SO 行上的自定义字段的最佳方法的问题。

我使用 FieldSelecting 事件和 PXSelect 语句在另一个屏幕上做了类似的事情,以从另一个屏幕提取数据并更新我的自定义字段。

需要从属性值中提取值让我很困惑,我应该加入 pxselect 中的 CSAnswers 表吗?

我还想问是否有更好的整体方法将数据从另一个屏幕拉到 Acumatica 自定义中的自定义字段中。

*update * 我正在尝试使用 PXDBScalar 属性,但我不知道如何连接多个表。这是我尝试过的。

             On<SOLine.inventoryID, Equal<InventoryItem.inventoryID>>>,
             On<InventoryItem.noteID, Equal<CSAnswers.refNoteID>>>,
         Where<CSAnswers.attributeID, Like<QHOLDAttr>>


标签: acumatica


Since you asked for "a better overall approach" then I'll share my preferred way of handling this. Not to say it is "better" but perhaps just "different".

I try to keep my data tied to the object where it is related directly. In the case of an attribute of an InventoryItem, I would elevate that attribute value to InventoryItem in a DAC extension so that it can be leveraged anywhere the InventoryItem is used. You seem to want to use it in conjunction with the SOLine record, but since the attribute is not tied to the SOLine, I would not extend SOLine to add it. There is nothing wrong with adding it there if your business requirement mandates it, but it keeps me more sane to know that an InventoryItem's related data comes from InventoryItem rather than trying to remember where I put it and possibly duplicate the effort elsewhere (like on a POLine) later.

Here is an example of how I've done it, pulled straight from my project but changing the Attribute references to be more generic.

public sealed class InventoryItemExt : PXCacheExtension<PX.Objects.IN.InventoryItem>
    #region MyAttribute
    [PXUIField(DisplayName = Messages.MyAttribDisplayName)]
        Where<CSAnswers.refNoteID, Equal<InventoryItem.noteID>,
          And<CSAnswers.attributeID, Equal<MyAttribute>>>>))]
    public string MyAttribute { get; set; }
    public abstract class myAttribute : PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Field<myAttribute> { }

    public class MyAttribute : PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Constant<MyAttribute>
        public MyAttribute() : base("MYATTRIB") { }

Notice the constant defined to access the AttributeID "MYATTRIB" which is attached to the Item Class of the InventoryItem record.

Now that the attribute is pulled into the DAC extension on InventoryItem, I can use it on any screen related to an InventoryItem with ease as long as InventoryItem (and the associated DAC extension) have been made available to that screen.

Without testing, I may be off on this but with regards to your attempt to join 2 tables in the PXDBScalar...

When you say Search2<CSAnswers.value..., you have indicated that you want to search the CSAnswers DAC and retrieve the value field. By subsequently trying to InnerJoin back to CSAnswers, I believe you effectively have said:

Select CSAnswers.Value From CSAnswers
  Inner Join InventoryItem On SOLine.InventoryID = InventoryItem.InventoryID
  Inner Join CSAnswers...

I'm not sure if the SOLine reference is valid here, but it may be if you are defining this directly in the SOLine DAC extension. However, you have tried to query CSAnswers Inner Join CSAnswers. Not sure if this will fix your PXDBScalar, but if you really want to use your method to attach this to SOLine, try:

         On<InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal<SOLine.inventoryID>>>,
     Where<InventoryItem.noteID, Equal<CSAnswers.refNoteID>,
     And<CSAnswers.attributeID, Equal<QHOLDAttr>>>

(Notice that I swapped the order of the relations in On clauses.)
