首页 > 解决方案 > 将 Laravel Nova 移至子域


我想将 Laravel Nova 移动到nova.mydomain.com而不是mydomain.de/nova. 我已经搜索了 GitHub 和 Stackoverflow,但是,这些解决方案对我不起作用。目前我正在尝试这个

它也有效。Nova 现在可在nova.mydomain.de. 然而,现在我面临着另外三个问题。

  1. 当我尝试访问主域时,mydomain.de我还看到了 Laravel Nova 仪表板。它甚至没有重定向我,它只是向我展示了主域上的 Laravel Nova 仪表板!

  2. 当我在 Laravel Nova 仪表板上单击我的资源上的链接时,它会自动将一个附加nova.到所有链接...

  3. 包含来自主域的所有路由的完整站点也可以在nova.. 例如mydomain.com/post/myFirstPost也可以在nova.mydomain.com/post/myFirstPost

我在 Mac 上运行Laravel ValetLaravel 8. 我nova在我的文件夹中创建了一个目录,Sites其中也包含该mydomain项目。该nova文件夹只是一个指向mydomain项目的符号链接。


我的 nova.php 配置文件。


use Laravel\Nova\Actions\ActionResource;
use Laravel\Nova\Http\Middleware\Authenticate;
use Laravel\Nova\Http\Middleware\Authorize;
use Laravel\Nova\Http\Middleware\BootTools;
use Laravel\Nova\Http\Middleware\DispatchServingNovaEvent;

return [

    | Nova App Name
    | This value is the name of your application. This value is used when the
    | framework needs to display the name of the application within the UI
    | or in other locations. Of course, you're free to change the value.

    'name' => env('NOVA_APP_NAME', env('APP_NAME')),

    | Nova App URL
    | This URL is where users will be directed when clicking the application
    | name in the Nova navigation bar. You are free to change this URL to
    | any location you wish depending on the needs of your application.

    'url' => 'nova.' . env('APP_DOMAIN'),

    | Nova Path
    | This is the URI path where Nova will be accessible from. Feel free to
    | change this path to anything you like. Note that this URI will not
    | affect Nova's internal API routes which aren't exposed to users.

    'path' => '/',

    | Nova Authentication Guard
    | This configuration option defines the authentication guard that will
    | be used to protect your Nova routes. This option should match one
    | of the authentication guards defined in the "auth" config file.

    'guard' => env('NOVA_GUARD', null),

    | Nova Password Reset Broker
    | This configuration option defines the password broker that will be
    | used when passwords are reset. This option should mirror one of
    | the password reset options defined in the "auth" config file.

    'passwords' => env('NOVA_PASSWORDS', null),

    | Nova Route Middleware
    | These middleware will be assigned to every Nova route, giving you the
    | chance to add your own middleware to this stack or override any of
    | the existing middleware. Or, you can just stick with this stack.

    'middleware' => [

    | Nova Pagination Type
    | This option defines the visual style used in Nova's resource pagination.
    | You may choose between 3 types: "simple", "load-more" and "links".
    | Feel free to set this option to the visual style you like.

    'pagination' => 'simple',

    | Nova Action Resource Class
    | This configuration option allows you to specify a custom resource class
    | to use instead of the one that ships with Nova. You may use this to
    | define any extra form fields or other custom behavior you need.

    'actions' => [
        'resource' => ActionResource::class,



标签: phplaravelroutessubdomainlaravel-nova


  • 将您的子域根目录设置为主域根目录。这通常必须在您的网络服务器中完成,例如 apache、nginx

  • 设置domainconfig/nova.php您的子域。

  • 不要忘记php artisan optimize:clear
