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<a href="//gifts.ru/catalog/model-futbolka-imperial"> Imperial 190 </a> is a premium model, decoration of any promotion and a worthy personal gift. Soft, comfortable tight T-shirt, with a collar protected from deformation. It holds its shape perfectly and is ideal for applying a logo. The absence of side seams allows you to apply the image almost over the entire surface. <br>

告诉我如何做到这一点?我想做find ('.'),但它不起作用,因为点也在链接中

<a href="//gifts.ru/catalog/model-futbolka-imperial"> Imperial 190 </a>


<a href="//gifts.ru/catalog/model-futbolka-imperial"> Imperial 190 </a> is a premium model, decoration of any promotion and a worthy personal gift. **[INSERTED TEXT]**. Soft, comfortable tight T-shirt, with a collar protected from deformation. It holds its shape perfectly and is ideal for applying a logo. The absence of side seams allows you to apply the image almost over the entire surface. <br>


标签: python


您可以先找到.出现在 之后的第一个索引,</a>然后在切片的帮助下附加要插入的文本。但是,这取决于主要文本始终位于锚标记之后的假设......

text = "Text to be inserted."
to_parse = '<a href="//gifts.ru/catalog/model-futbolka-imperial"> Imperial 190 </a> is a premium model, decoration of any promotion and a worthy personal gift. Soft, comfortable tight T-shirt, with a collar protected from deformation. It holds its shape perfectly and is ideal for applying a logo. The absence of side seams allows you to apply the image almost over the entire surface. <br>'

index = to_parse.find(".", to_parse.find("</a>"))
to_parse = to_parse[:index+1] + text + to_parse[index+1:]

