首页 > 解决方案 > 将枚举 TagLib::ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame::Type 转换为字符串?


我正在使用 c++ 的 taglib。如果我使用以下代码:

ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame::Type t = picFrame->type();

例如,我得到“FrontCover (3)”,但我没有找到任何解决方案将其转换为字符串以保存值。

我还需要一个解决方案,如何设置ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame::Type t将其写入 APIC 标签。

标签: c++taglib



enum      Type {
  Other = 0x00, FileIcon = 0x01, OtherFileIcon = 0x02, FrontCover = 0x03,
  BackCover = 0x04, LeafletPage = 0x05, Media = 0x06, LeadArtist = 0x07,
  Artist = 0x08, Conductor = 0x09, Band = 0x0A, Composer = 0x0B,
  Lyricist = 0x0C, RecordingLocation = 0x0D, DuringRecording = 0x0E, DuringPerformance = 0x0F,
  MovieScreenCapture = 0x10, ColouredFish = 0x11, Illustration = 0x12, BandLogo = 0x13,
  PublisherLogo = 0x14

没有自动转换将enums 符号转换为 astd::string或反之亦然。此外,正如您注意到的那样,该类没有提供此类功能TagLib::ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame

std::string attachedPictureFrameType2String(AttachedPictureFrame::Type type) {
    switch(type) {
    case AttachedPictureFrame::Other: return "Other";
    case AttachedPictureFrame::FileIcon: return "FileIcon";
    case AttachedPictureFrame::OtherFileIcon: return "OtherFileIcon";
    case AttachedPictureFrame::FrontCover: return "FrontCover";
    // All the other enum values ...

AttachedPictureFrame::Type string2AttachedPictureFrameType(const std::string& s) {
    if(s == "Other") return AttachedPictureFrame::Other;
    if(s == "FileIcon") return AttachedPictureFrame::FileIcon;
    if(s == "OtherFileIcon") return AttachedPictureFrame::OtherFileIcon;
    if(s == "FrontCover") return AttachedPictureFrame::FrontCover;
    // All the other valid string values ...
    throw std::exception("Invalid string");

正如@Uriya Harpeness在他们的评论中提到的,也可以使用字典来做到这一点,例如:

 using std::pair<AttachedPictureFrame::Type,std::string> = TypeDictItem;
 using std::vector<TypeDictItem> = TypeDict;
 const TypeDict pictureFrameTypeDict = { 
     , std::make_pair(AttachedPictureFrame::FileIcon,"FileIcon")
     , std::make_pair(AttachedPictureFrame::OtherFileIcon,"OtherFileIcon")
     , std::make_pair(AttachedPictureFrame::FrontCover,"FrontCover")
     // ...

 std::string attachedPictureFrameType2String(AttachedPictureFrame::Type type) {
     auto found = std::find_if(std::begin(pictureFrameTypeDict),
         [type](const TypeDictItem& i) { return i.first == type; } );
     if(found != pictureFrameTypeDict.end()) {
          return (*found).second;
     throw std::exception("Unexpected enum value.");

 AttachedPictureFrame::Type string2AttachedPictureFrameType(const std::string s) {
     auto found = std::find_if(std::begin(pictureFrameTypeDict),
         [s](const TypeDictItem& i) { return i.second == s; } );
     if(found != pictureFrameTypeDict.end()) {
          return (*found).first;
     throw std::exception("Invalid string.");
