首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用嵌入式切片创建指向未调整大小的类型的智能指针?


我试图通过使用 C 的灵活数组成员之类的东西来避免多个堆分配。为此,我需要分配一个大小不一的结构,但我没有找到任何方法通过智能指针来做到这一点。我对 很感兴趣Rc,但对 也是如此Box,所以这就是我将在示例中使用的内容。


use std::alloc::{self, Layout};

struct Inner {/* Sized fields */}

#[repr(C)] // Ensure the array is always last
// Both `inner` and `arr` need to be allocated, but preferably not separately
struct Unsized {
    inner: Inner,
    arr: [usize],

pub struct Exposed(Box<Unsized>);

impl Exposed {
    pub fn new(capacity: usize) -> Self {
        // Create a layout of an `Inner` followed by the array
        let (layout, arr_base) = Layout::array::<usize>(capacity)
            .and_then(|arr_layout| Layout::new::<Inner>().extend(arr_layout))
        let ptr = unsafe { alloc::alloc(layout) };
        // At this point, `ptr` is `*mut u8` and the compiler doesn't know the size of the allocation
        if ptr.is_null() {
            panic!("Internal allocation error");
        unsafe {
                .write(Inner {/* Initialize sized fields */});
            let tmp_ptr = ptr.add(arr_base).cast::<usize>();
            // Initialize the array elements, in this case to 0
            (0..capacity).for_each(|i| tmp_ptr.add(i).write(0));
            // At this point everything is initialized and can safely be converted to `Box`
            Self(Box::from_raw(ptr as *mut _))


error[E0607]: cannot cast thin pointer `*mut u8` to fat pointer `*mut Unsized`
  --> src/lib.rs:32:28
32 |         Self(Box::from_raw(ptr as *mut _))
   |                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

我可以直接使用*mut u8,但这似乎极易出错并且需要手动删除。

有没有办法从 中创建一个胖指针ptr,因为我实际上知道分配大小,或者从复合未调整类型创建一个智能指针?

标签: rustsmart-pointers


问题是指针*mut Unsized是一个宽指针,所以不仅仅是一个地址,而是一个地址和切片中元素的数量。另一方面,指针*mut u8不包含有关切片长度的信息。标准库提供

  • std::ptr::slice_from_raw_parts和,
  • std::ptr::slice_from_raw_parts_mut

对于这种情况。所以你首先创建一个假的(和错误的)*mut usize

ptr as *mut usize


slice_from_raw_parts_mut(ptr as *mut usize, capacity)

在宽指针中创建一个*mut [usize]具有正确长度字段的假(仍然是错误的),然后我们毫不客气地对其进行强制转换

slice_from_raw_parts_mut(ptr as *mut usize, capacity) as *mut Unsized



use std::alloc::{self, Layout};

struct Inner {/* Sized fields */}

#[repr(C)] // Ensure the array is always last
           // Both `inner` and `arr` need to be allocated, but preferably not separately
struct Unsized {
    inner: Inner,
    arr: [usize],

pub struct Exposed(Box<Unsized>);

impl Exposed {
    pub fn new(capacity: usize) -> Self {
        // Create a layout of an `Inner` followed by the array
        let (layout, arr_base) = Layout::array::<usize>(capacity)
            .and_then(|arr_layout| Layout::new::<Inner>().extend(arr_layout))
        let ptr = unsafe { alloc::alloc(layout) };
        // At this point, `ptr` is `*mut u8` and the compiler doesn't know the size of the allocation
        if ptr.is_null() {
            panic!("Internal allocation error");
        unsafe {
                .write(Inner {/* Initialize sized fields */});
            let tmp_ptr = ptr.add(arr_base).cast::<usize>();
            // Initialize the array elements, in this case to 0
            (0..capacity).for_each(|i| tmp_ptr.add(i).write(0));

        // At this point everything is initialized and can safely be converted to `Box`
        unsafe {
                std::ptr::slice_from_raw_parts_mut(ptr as *mut usize, capacity) as *mut Unsized,


