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如何为此 SQL 查询编写 linq 查询

select c.Name, Count(cb.Id) as Total1, Count(cf.Id) as Total2 
from Company c 
left join CompanyBDetails CB on C.Id = CB.CompanyId
left join CompanyFDetails CF on CF.BankId = CB.Id
group by C.Name

标签: sqllinq


所以你有一张表Companies,其中每个Company都有零个或多个BDetails,每个 BDetail 恰好属于一个公司,即外键CompanyId所指的公司:一个简单的一对多关系。

同样,everyBDetail有零个或多个FDetails,并且everyFDetail恰好属于一个BDetail,即BDetail外键BankId所指的 。

对于您想要的每家公司,该公司的名称和该公司的 BDetails 数量。在我看来,您还想要该公司所有 BDetails 的 FDetails 总数。

var result = dbContext.Companies.Select(company => new
    Name = company.Name,

    BDetailIds = dbContext.BDetails
        .Where(bDetail => bDetail.CompanyId == company.Id)
        .Select(bDetail => bDetail.Id),

中间结果:对于每个公司,您都创建了一个对象,该对象包含公司的名称,以及其所有 BDetails 的 Id

继续 Linq:计算总数:

.Select(company => new
    Name = company.Name,

    // Total1 is the number of BDetails of this Company
    Total1 = company.BDetailIds.Count(),

    // Total2 is the number of FDetails of all BDetails of this Company
    // whenever you need the sub-items of a sequence of items, use SelectMany
    Total2 = company.BDetailIds
        .SelectMany(bDetailId => dbContext.FDetails.Where(fDetail => fDetail.BankId == bDetailId))


var result = dbContext.Companies.Select(company => new
    // Select the company properties that you plan to use:
    Id = company.Id,
    Name = company.Name,

    BDetail = dbContext.BDetails
        .Where(bDetail => bDetail.CompanyId == company.Id)
        .Select(bDetail => new
             // Select only the bDetail properties of the company that you plan to use
             Id = bDetail.Id,

             // not needed, you know the value:
             // CompanyId = bDetail.CompanyId,

             FDetails = dbContext.FDetails
                 .Where(fDetail => fDetail.BankId == bDetail.Id)
                 .Select(fDetail => new
                      // you know the drill by now: only the properties that you plan to use
                      Id = fDetail.Id,
