首页 > 解决方案 > 从 beautifulsoup lxml 文件中提取文本


如何从 .xml 开始提取此 lxml 中的文本div class="ember-view" id="ember760">。请帮忙。我尝试了以下代码,但未捕获文本。


#soup is an beautifulsoup element

exp = soup.find('header', {'class': 'pv-profile-section__card-header'})

lxml 文件

<div class="pv-recommendation-entity__highlights">
<blockquote class="pv-recommendation-entity__text relative">
<div class="ember-view" id="ember760"> <span class="lt-line-clamp__line">I know Abc from Data Analysis training sessions with abc,</span>
<span class="lt-line-clamp__line">Abc
is an enthusiastic candidature in training sessions. He is an</span>
<span class="lt-line-clamp__line">extremely capable and dedicated entry-level Data Science Analyst.</span>
<span class="lt-line-clamp__line">He is enhancing Analytics skills by his enthusiasm for learning new</span>
<span class="lt-line-clamp__line lt-line-clamp__line--last">
      things, and has learnt new tools like R, SPSS, and Pytho<span class="lt-line-clamp__ellipsis">...
            <a aria-expanded="false" class="lt-line-clamp__more" data-test-line-clamp-show-more-button="true" href="#" id="line-clamp-show-more-button" role="button">See more</a>
<!-- --><span class="lt-line-clamp__ellipsis lt-line-clamp__ellipsis--dummy">... <a class="lt-line-clamp__more" href="#" role="button">See more</a></span></div>
<!-- --></div>


I know Abc from Data Analysis training sessions with abc,
is an enthusiastic candidature in training sessions. He is an
extremely capable and dedicated entry-level Data Science Analyst.
He is enhancing Analytics skills by his enthusiasm for learning new
      things, and has learnt new tools like R, SPSS, and Pytho

标签: pythonbeautifulsoup


您可以使用 CSS 选择器div#ember760来选择<div class="ember-view" id="ember760">.get_text()方法:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

txt = '''
<div class="pv-recommendation-entity__highlights">
<blockquote class="pv-recommendation-entity__text relative">
<div class="ember-view" id="ember760"> <span class="lt-line-clamp__line">I know Abc from Data Analysis training sessions with abc,</span>
<span class="lt-line-clamp__line">Abc
is an enthusiastic candidature in training sessions. He is an</span>
<span class="lt-line-clamp__line">extremely capable and dedicated entry-level Data Science Analyst.</span>
<span class="lt-line-clamp__line">He is enhancing Analytics skills by his enthusiasm for learning new</span>
<span class="lt-line-clamp__line lt-line-clamp__line--last">
      things, and has learnt new tools like R, SPSS, and Pytho<span class="lt-line-clamp__ellipsis">...
            <a aria-expanded="false" class="lt-line-clamp__more" data-test-line-clamp-show-more-button="true" href="#" id="line-clamp-show-more-button" role="button">See more</a>
<!-- --><span class="lt-line-clamp__ellipsis lt-line-clamp__ellipsis--dummy">... <a class="lt-line-clamp__more" href="#" role="button">See more</a></span></div>
<!-- --></div>

soup = BeautifulSoup(txt, 'lxml')

print(soup.select_one('div#ember760').get_text(strip=True, separator='\n'))


I know Abc from Data Analysis training sessions with abc,
is an enthusiastic candidature in training sessions. He is an
extremely capable and dedicated entry-level Data Science Analyst.
He is enhancing Analytics skills by his enthusiasm for learning new
things, and has learnt new tools like R, SPSS, and Pytho
See more
See more
