首页 > 解决方案 > 将 SimpleXMLElement 更改为漂亮的打印


我们在 Facebook 目录上上传 XML 文件时遇到了这个问题。他们不再接受该文件,因为 XML 提要是在第 2 行生成的,而 Facebook 的每行限制为 5242880 字节。[当前 XML 文件][1] [1]:https://i.stack.imgur.com/ETqNh.png

这似乎是因为在我们的 php 中我们使用的是 SimpleXMLElement。请参阅下面的代码。但是,我们在 PHP 方面并不是那么好。我们如何更改功能,以便在生成和下载提要时,列表将显示为多行?

虽然,我从这个PHP SimpleXML 新行中找到了一个可能的解决方案,但我们是否应该只将字符串 SimpleXMLElement 替换为 DOMDocument 并插入其他代码?


public static function update_facebook_ads_feed( $properties, $first_update = false, $last_update = false ) {
            write_log( 'STARTED FACEBOOK ADS FEED UPDATE' );
            $upload_dir       = wp_get_upload_dir();
            $content_url      = $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/';
            $temp_fb_xml_file = $content_url . 'fb-temp-feed.xml';
            $main_fb_xml_file = $content_url . 'fb-ad-feed.xml';

            if ( $first_update ) {
                $listings = new SimpleXMLElement( "<listings></listings>" );
                $listings->addChild( 'title', get_bloginfo( 'name' ) . ' Feed' );
                $link = $listings->addChild( 'link' );
                $link->addAttribute( 'rel', 'self' );
                $link->addAttribute( 'href', home_url() );
            } else {
                $listings = simplexml_load_file( $temp_fb_xml_file );
            if ( ! $last_update ) {
                if ( ! empty( $properties ) ) {
                    foreach ( $properties as $property ) {
                        $lat  = $property->latitude;
                        $long = $property->longitude;

                        if ( $lat == 0 || $long == 0 ) {

                        $property_ref  = $property->webRef;
                        $property_name = $property->title;
                        $description   = htmlspecialchars( strip_tags( $property->longDescription ) );
                        $url           = get_home_url() . '/properties/' . $property->webRef;
                        $beds          = $property->bedrooms;
                        $baths         = $property->bathrooms;
                        $price         = $property->price . ' EUR';

                        //Gather Address Data
                        $addr1         = '';
                        $locality_name = $property->locality_details->localityName;

                        if ( strpos( $locality_name, ', ' ) !== false ) {
                            $locality = explode( ', ', $locality_name );
                            $city     = $locality[1];
                            $region   = $locality[0];
                            $country  = 'Italy';
                            if ( $locality[0] == 'Sicily' ) {
                                $country = $locality[0];
                        } else {
                            $city    = $region = $locality_name;
                            $country = $property->locality_details->zoneId == '3' ? 'Gozo' : 'Malta';

                        //Get property images
                        $property_images = [];

                        //Get property availability
                        $availability = 'for_sale';
                        if ( $property->marketType == 'LongLet' || $property->marketType == 'ShortLet' ) {
                            $availability = 'for_rent';

                        //Create listing child for this property
                        $listing = $listings->addChild( 'listing' );

                        //Get Property Type
                        $property_type_obj = $property->propertyType_details;
                        $property_type     = '';
                        if ( ! empty( $property_type_obj ) ) {
                            $property_type = $property_type_obj->description;

                        //Add Basic Data
                        $listing->addChild( 'home_listing_id', $property_ref );
                        $listing->addChild( 'name', htmlspecialchars( $property_name ) );
                        $listing->addChild( 'availability', $availability );
                        $listing->addChild( 'description', htmlspecialchars( strip_tags( $description ) ) );
                        $listing->addChild( 'url', $url );
                        $listing->addChild( 'latitude', $lat );
                        $listing->addChild( 'longitude', $long );
                        $listing->addChild( 'neighborhood', $city );
                        $listing->addChild( 'num_baths', $baths );
                        $listing->addChild( 'num_beds', $beds );
                        $listing->addChild( 'num_units', 1 );
                        $listing->addChild( 'price', $price );
                        $listing->addChild( 'property_type', '' ); //Not being used right now
                        $listing->addChild( 'listing_type', $availability . '_by_agent' );
                        $listing->addChild( 'property_typefs', $property_type );

                        //Add Address Data
                        $address = $listing->addChild( 'address' );
                        $address->addAttribute( 'format', 'simple' );
                        $address->addChild( 'component', $addr1 )->addAttribute( 'name', 'addr1' );
                        $address->addChild( 'component', $city )->addAttribute( 'name', 'city' );
                        $address->addChild( 'component', $region )->addAttribute( 'name', 'region' );
                        $address->addChild( 'component', $country )->addAttribute( 'name', 'country' );
                        $address->addChild( 'component', $country )->addAttribute( 'name', 'postal_code' );

                        //Add Image Data
                        $files = $property->files;
                        if ( ! empty( $files ) ) {
                            $images     = $listing->addChild( 'image' );
                            $file_count = 1;
                            foreach ( $files as $file ) {
                                if ( $file_count > 20 ) { //This is the max amount of images allowed on facebook XML
                                if ( stripos( $file->file_name, '.pdf' ) === false ) {
                                    $images->addChild( 'url', ApiController::get_api_image_url( $file->file_name ) );
                                $file_count ++;

            //Select the file to open based on the iteration and replace the content
            $file_to_open = $last_update ? $main_fb_xml_file : $temp_fb_xml_file;

            $fp = fopen( $file_to_open, 'w+' );
            fwrite( $fp, $listings->asXML() );
            fclose( $fp );

            write_log( 'FINISHED FACEBOOK ADS FEED UPDATE' );

标签: phpxmlfacebooksimplexmldomdocument

