首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用 for 循环更新协方差矩阵中的对角线?


我已经使用 mvrnorms 创建了两个变量的模拟数据,我想在一个循环中关联这些变量 0、.5、.7 和 .9。但是每次我运行我的 for 循环时,我只能关联 0.9 处的值,而不能关联任何其他关联条件。

library(MASS) #library I needed to create simulated data with mvrnorms

num_iter <- 75
N <- 30                       # setting my sample size
mu <- c(50.5, 10.5)           # setting the std
R <- c(0,.5,.7,.9)            # this vector defines the different correlation conditions I will add

# saving files
dir.create("simulated1data") # This creates a directory to store files

# performing 75 iterations and so there should be 75 data files in the folder I made
for(i in 1:num_iter){
  for(j in 1:4){
    cov <- matrix(c(1,R[j],R[j],1),2,2)
    x <- mvrnorm(N,mu,cov)
    write.table(x, file=paste("simulated1data/simdata_",i,"_",j,".txt",sep="")) # writing to separate txt file

据我了解,我的(对于 1:4 中的 j)没有适当地遍历我的 R 向量中的所有第 j 个值,这就是为什么 X 中的变量总是以 0.9 相关的原因。有谁知道如何解决这一问题?感谢您的时间!

标签: rfor-loopmatrixcorrelation


要分配 的值R,请事先创建一个cov矩阵并使用逻辑索引矩阵imat


library(MASS) #library I needed to create simulated data with mvrnorms

num_iter <- 75
N <- 30                       # setting my sample size
mu <- c(50.5, 10.5)           # setting the std
R <- c(0, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9)      # this vector defines the different correlation conditions I will add


# saving files
dirsimdata <- "~/tmp/simulated1data"
dir.create(dirsimdata) # This creates a directory to store files


# index matrix used to assign values from R
imat <- matrix(c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), nrow = 2)
# start with all 1's
cov <- matrix(1, nrow = 2, ncol = 2)


# performing 75 iterations and so there should be 75 data files in the folder I made
for(i in 1:num_iter){
  for(j in 1:4){
    cov[imat] <- R[j]
    x <- mvrnorm(N, mu, cov)
    flname <- paste0("simdata_", i, "_", j, ".txt")
    flname <- file.path(dirsimdata, flname)
    write.table(x, file = flname) # writing to separate txt file
