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create table sources (
    user_id bigint,
    source varchar,
    created timestamp default now(),
    unique(user_id, source)
create table subscriptions (
    user_id bigint unique primary key,
    plan int not null references plans(id),
    starts timestamp default now(),
    ends timestamp default now() + interval '30' day


SELECT src.* FROM sources AS src LEFT JOIN subscriptions as sub ON sub.user_id=src.user_id WHERE now() < sub.ends


SELECT * FROM sources AS src LEFT JOIN subscriptions as sub ON sub.user_id=src.user_id

可能是什么问题以及我如何以其他方式获取此信息?PS 订阅表具有其他 user_id 的行。非常感谢你! 第二个sql查询的输出

标签: sqlpostgresql



left join的工作。如果您的图像是,SELECT * FROM sources AS src LEFT JOIN subscriptions as sub ON sub.user_id=src.user_id那么您的一些用户没有订阅。

SELECT * FROM sources AS src LEFT JOIN subscriptions ...only 确保sources将获取 in 中的每个匹配行,而不管它是否在subscriptions.




  • 聪明的主键只会带来复杂性。给出比简单连接表更复杂的所有内容id bigserial primary key并完成它。
  • 声明一切not null,除非你有充分的理由它应该为空。
  • 用于on delete cascade在删除用​​户时进行清理,但请参见下文。
create table sources (
    id bigserial primary key,

    -- When a user is deleted, its sources will also be deleted
    user_id bigint not null references users(id) on delete cascade,

    source varchar not null,
    created timestamp not null default now(),

    unique(user_id, source)

create table subscriptions (
    id bigserial primary key,

    -- When a user is deleted, its subscriptions will also be deleted
    user_id bigint not null unique references foreign key users(id) on delete cascade,

    -- Make foreign key names consistent, and use a consistent type for ids.
    plan_id bigint not null references plans(id) on delete cascade,

    starts timestamp not null default now(),
    ends timestamp not null default now() + interval '30' day

当已删除的用户仍有来源和订阅时是否使用on delete cascade取决于您要如何处理这种情况。您可能希望阻止删除仍然具有活动源和子的用户,在这种情况下,请停止on delete cascade并手动清理用户的源和子。
