首页 > 解决方案 > Java:为什么我的程序输出不正确的 else 语句?


该程序读取用户输入,例如:(this (is (my))input)

然后迭代语句,在遇到 '(' 时将 '(' 添加到 Stack ,并在遇到 ')' 时从 Stack 中删除 '('。


// ********************************************************************
// ParenMatch.java
// Determines whether or not a string of characters contains
// matching left and right parentheses.
// ********************************************************************

import java.util.*;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class ParenMatch
    public static void main (String[] args)
        Stack<Character> s = new Stack<Character>();
        String line; // the string of characters to be checked
        Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.println ("\nParenthesis Matching");
        System.out.print ("Enter a parenthesized expression: ");
        line = scan.nextLine();

        String goodSoFar = "";

        // Test: Here is a test (which should work (or maybe it doesn't) )

        // loop to process the line one character at a time
        for (int i = 0; i < line.length(); i++) 
            char c = line.charAt(i);
            goodSoFar += c;      // add the character to the string so far

            if( c == '(' )
                // open paren so add it to the stack
                s.push( line.charAt(i) );
            else if ( c == ')' );
                // hit close paren so pull open paren off the stack
                if( s.size() > 0 )
                    // stack does not have a matching paren so show an error!
                    System.out.println("Error! Close parenthesis without a matching open parenthesis!");
                    System.out.println("Error encountered here: " + goodSoFar + "^");

        // check final stack
        if( s.size() > 0 )
            System.out.println("Error! There are " + s.size() + " extra open parenthesis!");
            System.out.println("The number of open parenthesis matched the number of close parenthesis!");




(this (is (my))input)


Enter a parenthesized expression: (this (is (my))input)
Error! Close parenthesis without a matching open parenthesis!
Error encountered here: (t^
Error! Close parenthesis without a matching open parenthesis!
Error encountered here: (th^
Error! Close parenthesis without a matching open parenthesis!
Error encountered here: (thi^
Error! Close parenthesis without a matching open parenthesis!
Error encountered here: (this^
Error! Close parenthesis without a matching open parenthesis!
Error encountered here: (this ^
Error! Close parenthesis without a matching open parenthesis!
Error encountered here: (this (i^
Error! Close parenthesis without a matching open parenthesis!
Error encountered here: (this (is^
Error! Close parenthesis without a matching open parenthesis!
Error encountered here: (this (is ^
Error! Close parenthesis without a matching open parenthesis!
Error encountered here: (this (is (m^
Error! Close parenthesis without a matching open parenthesis!
Error encountered here: (this (is (my^
Error! Close parenthesis without a matching open parenthesis!
Error encountered here: (this (is (my)^
Error! Close parenthesis without a matching open parenthesis!
Error encountered here: (this (is (my))^
Error! Close parenthesis without a matching open parenthesis!
Error encountered here: (this (is (my))i^
Error! Close parenthesis without a matching open parenthesis!
Error encountered here: (this (is (my))in^
Error! Close parenthesis without a matching open parenthesis!
Error encountered here: (this (is (my))inp^
Error! Close parenthesis without a matching open parenthesis!
Error encountered here: (this (is (my))inpu^
Error! Close parenthesis without a matching open parenthesis!
Error encountered here: (this (is (my))input^
Error! Close parenthesis without a matching open parenthesis!
Error encountered here: (this (is (my))input)^
The number of open parenthesis matched the number of close parenthesis!


The number of open parenthesis matched the number of close parenthesis!

标签: javafor-loopif-statement


你在 line 上有一个多余的分号else if ( c == ')' );,导致后面的块总是运行。
