首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 Vue Js 实例中杀死 setInterval()




/* Countdown timer before fight */

    startTimer() {
        this.countDownPanel = true;
        if (this.countDownNumbers > 0) {
            this.countDown = setInterval(() => {
            }, 1000);
            this.textDownsizer = setInterval(() => {
            }, 10);


  /* Countdown Watcher */

    countDownNumbers() {
        this.countDownTextSize = 100;
        if (this.countDownNumbers < 0) {
            this.textDownsizer = null;
            this.countDown = null;
            this.countDownPanel = false;

问题是,即使在我通过 Vue DevTools 使用 clearInterval() 之后,我仍然可以看到计时器仍在运行,直到 countDownNumbers 达到 0。但情况是它发生在屏幕上的实际数字下降到 0 之后的一段时间。并且当我重置游戏并运行相同的实例时,倒计时变得疯狂并导致内存泄漏。有更好的方法吗?


new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
    gameStatus: 'disclaimer', //Status of the app, it can be (so far) 'disclaimer', 'startScreen', 'playStage', 'looseScreen', 'wonScreen', 'menuScreen'
    backgroundAudio: new Array(), //Array of current playing background sounds
    blurFilter: true, //Blur shown at the start of the app
    audioTracks: ["sound/battle.mp3", "sound/dungeon.wav", "sound/echo.ogg"], //List of file in the folder 'sound'
    playList: new Array(), //Array with a collection of Audio objects that are playable
    The health points function in an inverse way. The subject dies when it reaches 100
    The health bar div width % is calculated subtracting the current health of the avatar of 100. 
    healthHuman: 0,
    healthComputer: 0,
    muted: false, //Obviously determines if the audio is activated or not
    humanStatus: true, //Defines if the human player is dead or alive
    computerStatus: true, //Defines if the computer player is dead or alive

    /* Collection of string that are outputed when a avatar dies */
    humanDiesPhrases: [
        "You've just been killed and that's why you're seeing your own life flash in front of you.",
        "It's almost as if your soul has taken over your body in a frantic attempt to preserve the memory of what you love.",
        "The problem is that when your soul leaves your body, it's physically incapable of going back in and if it doesn't try to go back in and make the same decision, it could start experiencing the same things all over again.",
        "That was sad and gruesome and an almost poetic way. Anyway, you're dead. The rats are anxious to eat your remains.",
        "Looks like the monster will be eating something besides rats today",
        "Woow! That must have hurted! Dude! Are you okay? Dude? Dude... Ohh, you're dead. Sorry about that",
        "Your death looks like an abstract painting. To me, not for you. For you that must have hurted like hell.",
        "Yep! Looks like you're dead. Can I have your sowrd?",
        "You died! Was killed to be more exact. Now your opponent drags you to one of many dark pits inside the dungeon.",
        "Oh my god, how can you suck in such idiotic game? I know that the game is lame, but you just raised the bar fella.",
        "You're not very good at this are you? Have you ever considered trying gardening?"
    computerDiesPhrases: [
        "You've just killed it! Or should I say him? Or her? You didn't ask, did you? How considerate of you.",
        "GG mah boy, keep it like this and I'm sure you're going places. Maybe...",
        "Wow that was 2 minutes less of your life, how does it feel? You're not having those back... Are you still reading?",
        "Oh my, my... Why such violence? Have you considered petting it? Maybe it was just saying hello. Weirdo.",
        "Well, it's dead. Now what? Are you going to eat it? Of course not silly, this is just a game. Back to being productive",
        "AM I being nosy or you should be doind something else instead? I mean, killing virtual monsters?",
        "Good kill dude! But, have you considered that it maybe was the last of its kind? That's disturbing.",
        "You've just killed the creature! Good for you girl!",
        "Wait! Have you considered trying to... Forget it, it's dead already",
        "Oh man! (or woman!). That was gruesome. Wait a minute, have you just farted? Ewww! Ohh sorry, that one was mine.",
        "Why did you do that? Such violence. Well you killed it, just like that. That's aliens haven't made contact with us yet...Savage!"
    humanParts: [
        "groin", "left eye", "upper lip", "right ear", "left leg", "tiny finger", "balls", "right knee", "face", "head", "lung", "chest", "chin", "middle finger", "you know where", "neck", "nose", "foot", "ribs", "teeth",
    monsterParts: [
        "center most tentacle", "foremost tooth", "tiny tentacle", "lady parts", "boy parts", "gum", "ass", "iris", "eyeball", "feelings", "wise tooth"
    fightingMovements: [
        "bite", "slapped", "punched", "kicked", "headbutted", "scratched", "hit", "punctured", "fingered", "poundded", "bashed"
    countDownNumbers: 5, //Countdown counter =)
    countDown: '', //Stores the main countdown
    countDownTextSize: 100, //Obvious
    textDownsizer: '', //Stores the timer responsible to downsize the font of the countdown
    logger: new Array(), //Array responsible for storing all messages that will be shown to the player
    countDownPanel: false, //Determines if the countdown is to be shown or not

computed: {

    /* Unset the blur when the disclaimer modal goes away */

    flipBlur() {
        if (this.gameStatus != 'disclaimer') {
            return this.blurFilter = false;
        } else {
            return true;
watch: {
    //Wacth the gameStatus and make changes accordingly
    gameStatus() {

        //Background Audio Controler

        echoSound = this.playList['echo'];
        battleSound = this.playList['battle'];
        dungeonSound = this.playList['dungeon'];

        //Game status DJ
        if (this.gameStatus == 'startScreen') {
        } else if (this.gameStatus == 'playStage') {

            //Add battle song to the background

            battleSound.volume = 0.25;

            //Trigger the coundown

    muted() {
        if (this.muted == true) {
            this.backgroundAudio.forEach(element => {
        } else {
            this.backgroundAudio.forEach(element => {

    /* Health checkers // Killer */

    healthHuman() {
        if (this.healthHuman >= 100) {
            this.healthHuman = 100;
            this.humanStatus = false;

    healthComputer() {
        if (this.healthComputer >= 100) {
            this.healthComputer = 100;
            this.computerStatus = false;

    /* Logger Wachter  - Maintain only the last 3 elements of the logger */

    logger() {
        if (this.logger.length > 3) {

    /* Countdown Watcher */

    countDownNumbers() {
        this.countDownTextSize = 100;
        if (this.countDownNumbers < 0) {
            this.textDownsizer = null;
            this.countDown = null;
            this.countDownPanel = false;

beforeDestroy() {

created: function () {

methods: {

    /* Background soundtracks and sound effects */

    loopPlay(audioTrack) {
        if (audioTrack) {
            audioTrack.loop = true;

    buildPlayList() {
        this.audioTracks.forEach(element => {
            trackName = element.substring(element.indexOf('/') + 1);
            trackName = trackName.substring(0, trackName.indexOf('.'));
            this.playList[trackName] = new Audio(element);

     HP monitoring and controller
     These two functions return the css property 'width' of the health bars.

    heartMonitorHuman() {
        return {
            width: this.healthHuman + '%'

    heartMonitorComputer() {
        return {
            width: this.healthComputer + '%'

    /* Generates random hit points */

    hitGenerator() {
        var hit = Math.round(Math.random() * 20);
        return hit;

    /* Controlls the timer before the fight */

    counterFontSize() {
        return {
            'fontSize': this.countDownTextSize + 'vw'

    /* Hits the human */

    hitHuman() {
        if (this.healthHuman < 100) {
            var willHitPoints = Math.floor(this.hitGenerator() * 1.1); //Gives the monster 10% more attack power on average
            this.healthHuman += willHitPoints;
            this.logHandler('You got ' + this.randomFightingMoves() + ' on the ' + this.humanHitDesc() + ' and lost ' + willHitPoints + ' HP');

        } else {

    /* Hits the computer */

    hitComputer() {
        if (this.healthComputer < 100 && this.countDownNumbers <= 0) {
            var willHitPoints = this.hitGenerator();
            this.healthComputer += willHitPoints;
            this.logHandler('You ' + this.randomFightingMoves() + ' the monster\'s ' + this.monsterHitDesc() + ' and it lost ' + willHitPoints + ' HP');

            //Hits the human player back


        } else {

    /* Shows phrases regarding the avatar's deaths */

    humanDied() {
        if (this.humanStatus == false) {
            var deathMessage = Math.round(Math.random() * 10);
            this.logHandler("You died!");
            setTimeout(() => {
            }, 3000);

    computerDied() {
        if (this.computerStatus == false) {
            var deathMessage = Math.round(Math.random() * 10);
            this.logHandler("You win?");
            setTimeout(() => {
            }, 3000);

    /* Generates a random key to be used with a dictionary of log messages */

    keyGen() {
        return '_' + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9);

    /* Creates a dictionary with all log messages generated by the app */

    logHandler(msg) {
        var newLog = {
            id: this.keyGen(),
            message: msg,

    /* Random hits generators */

    humanHitDesc() {
        randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20);
        return this.humanParts[randomNumber];

    monsterHitDesc() {
        randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
        return this.monsterParts[randomNumber];

    randomFightingMoves() {
        randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
        return this.fightingMovements[randomNumber];

    resetGame() {
        this.logger = [];
        this.healthHuman = 0;
        this.humanStatus = true;
        this.healthComputer = 0;
        this.computerStatus = true;
        this.countDownNumbers = 5;

    /* Countdown timer before fight */

    startTimer() {
        this.countDownPanel = true;
        if (this.countDownNumbers > 0) {
            this.countDown = setInterval(() => {
            }, 1000);
            this.textDownsizer = setInterval(() => {
            }, 10);

GitHub 仓库是:https ://github.com/Saiuke/MonsterSlayer


Monster Slayer 屏幕截图显示了战斗前的倒计时。

标签: javascriptvue.jsvuejs2



您是否尝试过将 if (this.countDownNumbers < 0) 更改为 if (this.countDownNumbers === 0)?那可能行得通。如果这不起作用,那么为什么不像这样简单地倒计时:

let num = 10;

let timer = setInterval(function(){
    num = num - 1;

    if(num <= 0){
