首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么 jasper 得到一个字符串而不是一个类对象?


我正在尝试通过属性将 bean 对象传递给自定义标签。豆:

public class Statistic implements Serializable {
    private float average;
    // ...

    public Statistic() {
        this.average = 0;
        // ...

    public float getAverage() {
        return average;

    public void setAverage(float average) {
        this.average = average;

    // ...


   <short-name>Statistic TLD</short-name>


public class StatisticTag extends SimpleTagSupport {
    private Statistic statistic;
    // ...
       public void doTag()
       throws JspException, IOException {
          // ...
       public Statistic getData() {
            return statistic;
        public void setData(Statistic value) {
            this.statistic = statistic;

JSP 文件

<%@ taglib prefix = "st" uri = "WEB-INF/statistic.tld"%>
<jsp:useBean id="statisticData" class="classes.Statistic" scope="page" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
    <st:Statistic data="${statisticData}" />

如何将统计对象传递给 JSP:

request.setAttribute("statisticData", statistic);
getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/result.jsp").forward(request, response);

加载 result.jsp 时,出现错误:org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to convert string "${statisticData}" to class "classes.Statistic" for attribute "data": Property Editor not registered with the PropertyEditorManager. 那么为什么 jasper 得到一个字符串而不是一个类对象呢?没有引号我得到一个错误org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /result.jsp (line: 9, column: 21) quote symbol expected

标签: javajsp

